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               HEALTHCARE MARKETING                       HOSPICE                       LEGAL SERVICES FOR                   REHABILITATION &
                 & PUBLIC RELATIONS           VITAS® HEALTHCARE                       MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS                  SKILLED NURSING
          PITCH PERFECT PR & MEDIA            Patients and Families Come First    LUBELL ROSEN                       PLAZA HEALTH NETWORK
          STRATEGIES                          When someone you love is seriously ill, there  Lubell Rosen offers “BARE” doctors pre-paid  Plaza Health Network is the largest not-for-
                                              are so many decisions to be made. VITAS  legal defense.  The plan includes unlimited
          Pitch Perfect PR & Media Strategies is a full serv-  helps you make care transitions that make             profit network of rehabilitation and skilled
          ice, bilingual (English and Spanish) marketing,  sense: From hospital to home. From focusing  legal fees and costs, with no caps.  We also  nursing centers in South Florida, with seven
          public relations and communications South  on the disease to focusing on the patient.  handle  Asset Protection, Estate Planning,  award winning Centers across Miami-Dade
          Florida firm specializing in health care messag-  From coping on your own to being part of a  Healthcare Law, Employment and more. Visit  County: Arch Plaza, Aventura Plaza, Jackson
          ing. With over fifteen years of corporate branding  team. We have served Dade-Monroe,  or  contact  our  Plaza, Ponce Plaza, Sinai Plaza, South
          experience with a focus on results, Pitch Perfect  Broward and Palm Beach counties since  Marketing Director, Nordia Ramirez at  nor-  Pointe Plaza and University Plaza. Services
          understands the unique intricacies of health care  1978. For information or to make a referral,, (954) 880-9500 for  include but are not limited to post-operative
          marketing and communications. Services can  call 800.723.3233 or go to  more information.       care and rehabilitation, orthopedic rehabilita-
          include advertising, marketing plans and strate-                                                           tion therapy, stroke care and rehabilitation,
          gies, public relations, media buys, social media  INSURANCE SPECIALISTS         PATIENT INSIGHTS           diabetes care and management, Alzheimer’s
          content development, digital strategies, graphic                               AND PROFITABILITY           care and wound care. Visit the website
          design, copy writing, website content, blog cre-  DANNA-GRACEY, INC.    NEX MEDICAL SOLUTIONS    
          ation, crisis management and overall brand  Danna-Gracey is an independent insurance  Attention Physicians: Have recent healthcare
          growth.  For more information, visit the website  agency with a statewide team of specialists  changes impacted your practice? How much  If your organization or business
, call 786-270-9909 or  dedicated solely to medical malpractice   and  has it reduced your reimbursement? 25%?
          email  Workers’ Comp insurance coverage for  50%? You are not alone. One out of 4 primary  is looking for a way to reach more
                                              Florida physicians and surgeons. Indepen -  care physicians are reporting poor financial  than 32,000 healthcare
                       HOSPICE                dent means you have options. We shop wide-  health due to falling reimbursements and the  professionals every month
          CATHOLIC HOSPICE                    ly for the best coverage and price to fit the  rising costs of practice. Many practices today
          Hospice is a philosophy of care specialized in  unique needs of you and your practice. With  are looking for greater patient insight without  AND enjoy the
          meeting the end of life needs and goals of the  offices located throughout Florida, Danna-  sacrificing profitability.  At NEX Medical  value-added benefit of a weblink on
          patient and family to make sure each day is  Gracey works on behalf of physicians – well  Solutions, the mission is to provide the
          lived fully. The focus is on the quality of life. At  beyond managing your insurance policy. We  healthcare community with cutting-edge tech-,
          Catholic Hospice, these services along with  make it our practice to genuinely care about  nology, state-of-art solutions that address  then our Resource and
          our other programs are covered at 100% by  yours.   For more information, contact Matt  health and wellness challenges for patients  Business Directory
          Medicare, Medicaid, and most insurance  Gracey at, or you  and profitability for healthcare professionals.
          plans. For more information or referrals call  can call (561) 276-3553 or visit the website  Discover how to increase patient insights and  is right for you!
          us at (786) 542-2676 or visit our page at         profitable by visiting: and  Call (561) 368-6950 today!
                                                Use Code: NMS4201 or contact  Alan
                                                                                  Callaghan  at  (954)  614-6211  or

                                                              Coming Next Month...
                                       Real Estate Update - Alzheimer’s Care - Addiction -
                               Financial Community & Healthcare Innovations & Trends
                                             For advertising information, call Charles Felix at 561-368-6950
                                                      or email

                                            ead of
                 Calm inste                             o crisis.

                                            d of hoospital.
                 Home instead

                 Patients copingg with an en
                 at home, surrouunded by th
                 they know bestt. That’s why
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                 call home, wheether a priva
                 home or an assiisted living

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                 The patient, nnot the dis    ease. Refeer today   . .

                            SINCE 1980
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