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                  BROWARD HEALTH IMPERIAL POINT                                                    FLORIDA MEDICAL CENTER

        Gerardo Lyons                                                             Frank J. Vittimberga Jr, MD
        Director of Finance                                                       Chief Medical Officer
                                                                                   Frank J. Vittimberga Jr., M.D. has held  the post of chief
          Gerardo Lyons is the director of finance at Broward
        Health Imperial Point where in addition to overseeing                     medical officer at Florida Medical Center a campus of
        all the financial operations, he also manages the health                  North Shore since April 2015. Dr. Vittimberga is board-
        information management department and the strategic                       certified general surgeon and practiced clinically for over
        planning process.  He has been with the hospital system                   13 years. He received a bachelor’s degree in biology cum
        for 25 years in different roles. Gerardo came to the                      laude from Harvard University. He completed medical
        United States from Colombia, where he was a practicing                    school and his surgical residency at the University of
        lawyer.  His dedication and attention to detail has                       Massachusetts Medical School. He received his MBA with
        proven highly effective for the hospital’s continued suc-                 a focus in healthcare management at the Isenberg School
        cess.  Gerardo received his MBA from Florida Atlantic                     of Management at the University of Massachusetts.
                                                                                  Matt Garner
        Gail Hill, MBA, BSN, RN                                                   COO
        Director of Surgery
                                                                                   Matt Garner is the chief operating officer at Florida
                                                                                  Medical Center. He is responsible for overseeing various
          Gail Hill, MBA, BSN, RN, started working with the
        Broward Health system in June of 2001 after 12 years of                   departments within the hospital including rehabilitation,
        military service.  In 2005 she transferred to Broward                     food and nutrition services, environmental services, out-
        Health Imperial Point and worked her way up into the                      patient sleep lab, plant operations, pharmacy, imaging,
        position of Director of Surgery.  She oversees all sterile                cardiopulmonary and the laboratory.  He also serves as the
        processing as well as the daily functionality of the oper-                co-chair for the Tenet Coastal Division biomedical and
        ating rooms and the ambulatory surgical center which                      plant operations committees. Matt started with Tenet
        average over 35 procedures per day.  Her top priority is                  Healthcare in May 2013 and served as the assistant
        patient safety and quality as she believes in the circular                administrator at sister hospital, Delray Medical Center.
        connection between patient, physician, and facility: if                   Matt is a member of the American College of Healthcare
        the patient has a positive outcome then all else in turn is taken care of.  In addition  Executives, and received his Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration from
        to obtaining her MBA, Gail is also pursuing her MSN degree in nursing informatics.   the University of Central Florida and his Master of Health Administration from the
                                                                                  University of Florida.

                          CORAL GABLES HOSPITAL                                             GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER

        Madison Workman
        COO                                                                      Dr. Jeffrey Kotzen
                                                                                 Medical Advisor
          Madison Workman is the chief operating officer at
        Coral Gables Hospital. He is responsible for implement-                    Dr. Jeffrey Kotzen serves as a medical advisor to the
        ing all operational goals and assisting in strategic initia-             administrative staff for Good Samaritan Medical Center.
        tives. He started his career at sister hospital, North                   In his role, Dr. Kotzen helps advise and lead the medical
        Shore Medical Center. In his previous role there as assis-               team on implementing best medical practices for the hos-
        tant administrator, Madison was involved in the opera-                   pital. Dr. Kotzen is a past chief of staff at Good Samaritan
        tions and financial management of laboratory services                    Medical Center as well as the former chief medical officer.
        and radiology. He participated in executive committees                   He also served as the chief of gynecology, chief of obstet-
        such as Board of Governors, clinical care committee,                     rics and division and director OB/GYN. Dr. Kotzen com-
        credentials committee, medical executive committee                       pleted his internship and residency at the prestigious Yale
        and medical operations committee. Madison holds both a Master’s degree in Health  New Haven Medical Center. He earned a Bachelor of
        Administration and a Bachelor of Health Science from the University of Florida. He  Science degree from George Washington University and graduated with honors from
        is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.            George Washington University School of Medicine. He is a board-certified, Florida-
                                                                                 licensed OB-GYN. Dr. Kotzen is also involved in several organizations around Palm
                                                                                 Beach County including affiliate dean at FIU Medical School of Medicine, Best Buddies
                          DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER                                  International, and vice president of Advantage Health Network.

                                                                                                        HIALEAH HOSPITAL
        Lauren Raetz
        Administrative Director of Support Services
                                                                                  Lourdes Camps
          Lauren Raetz serves as the administrative director of                   COO
        support services for Delray Medical Center. In her cur-
        rent role, Lauren assists in the day to day hospital oper-                 Lourdes Camps is the chief operating officer at
        ations and helps implement key business development                       Hialeah Hospital. In her role, she oversees day to day
        initiatives. Among her recent projects, she was respon-                   operations and works effectively with the medical staff
        sible for overseeing the equipment and furniture for the                  to continually improve the quality and level of services
        new $80 million dollar patient tower which recently                       provided. Prior to this role, she was the chief nursing
        opened. She also helped coordinate the construction of                    officer where she provided strategic leadership as the
        new x-ray and fluoroscopy rooms, a hybrid operating                       senior executive responsible for all nursing and other
        room, behavioral health unit and biplane imaging room.                    designated patient care functions and services within
        Lauren received her Masters of Health Administration from the University of Florida  the hospital. Lourdes holds a Bachelor of Science from
        and earned her Bachelors of Science in Health Services Administration from the  Florida International University and a Master of Science
        University of Central Florida.
                                                                                  in Health Service Administration from Nova Southeastern University in Miami,
                                                                                  Florida. In 2014 she was inducted to the Miami-Dade College Alumni Hall of Fame.

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