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Mount Sinai Heart New York at

              Jupiter Medical Center Announces Accreditation

                                     for Its Cardiac Program

                             One of Only Two Hospitals in the Region to Receive

                                an Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence

           Mount Sinai Heart New York at Jupiter Medical Center announced today that its  fellows, nursing personnel, technologists and other personnel, reporting of results, pro-
         cardiac program has been fully accredited for cardiac catheterization by  cedure indications and informed consent, procedure preparation and conduct, patient
         Accreditation for Cardiovascular ExcellenceTM (ACE), an independent, physician-  outcomes, quality assurance, and radiation safety.
         led organization that evaluates and monitors providers of cardiovascular care.  ACE  Jupiter Medical Center’s two state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization labs provide an
         accreditation is a professional review of an organization’s structure, internal processes,  array of services including:
         patient safety practices, and clinical outcomes to determine if it meets the nationally-  • Balloon Angioplasty
         accepted best practice standards established by experts in cardiac and endovascular care.  • Thrombectomy
           “It is an honor to have our cardiac program receive an accreditation from such an  • Stent Implantation
         esteemed institution,” said John Couris, President and CEO of Jupiter Medical Center.  • Cardiac Biopsy
         “This achievement, along with the fact that we recently received state approval to estab-  • Coronary & Left Ventricular Digital Angiography
         lish an open-heart program, speaks volumes about the commitment of every member of  • Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization
         our cardiac team whose hard work ensures we bring the highest quality health care to  • Coronary Intravascular Ultrasound
         the community.”                                                           • Pacemaker & ICD Insertion
           Accreditation means that Jupiter Medical Center’s cardiac program maintains the  • Right & Left Heart Catheterization
         highest standards for cardiovascular and endovascular care, and that the doctors and  ACE accreditation is just the latest of several significant steps Jupiter Medical
         staff caring for patients undergoing diagnostic and interventional catheterization proce-  Center has taken to transform cardiac care in the region. In 2015, Jupiter Medical
         dures uphold those same standards.                                       Center and The Mount Sinai Hospital launched a pioneering partnership to enhance
           “We congratulate Jupiter Medical Center for seeking and obtaining an ACE cardiac  cardiac patient care services and research in South Florida. “Progressive partnerships
         catheterization accreditation,” said ACE Chief Medical Officer Bonnie Weiner, M.D. “By  like this are an important part of how we consistently deliver world-class health care
         submitting to a rigorous, independent evaluation, you have shown an uncompromising  to the region,” said Gonzalo Loveday, MD, Medical Director of Mount Sinai Heart
         commitment to provide safe, high-quality care.”                          New York at Jupiter Medical Center. In 2016, the Medical Center completely reno-
           To become certified, Jupiter Medical Center demonstrated excellence in the following  vated its cardiopulmonary rehabilitation center. In 2018, Jupiter Medical Center will
         categories: facility, equipment, leadership structure, physician extenders and cardiology  begin offering open-heart surgery.

                                                                                                RCMP, Inc. Announces
             Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer
                                                                                               Opening of New Offices
            Center Only Site in South Florida
                                                                                          in Coral Gables and Orlando
                       to Offer New Bladder
                                                                                     Revenue Cycle Management Professionals, Inc. (RCMP) is very proud to
                    Cancer Detection System                                        announce it has opened its state-of-the-art corporate Headquarters in Coral
                                                                                   Gables. RCMP will be opening a Satellite office in Orlando to serve its Providers
                                                                                   in Central Florida on August 1. RCMP is a Healthcare Management and
             Sylvester Comprehensive
           Cancer Center, part of the                                              Consulting, Medical Billing and EHR Software Company.
           University of Miami Health                                                RCMP is headed by General Partner Juan H. Kouri, MHSA with over 25 years as
           System, is the only institution                                         a leader in healthcare management, practice management and Electronic Medical
           in South Florida offering                                               Records and General Partner Christopher Roqueta with over 15 years of health-
           flourescence enhanced Blue                                              care sales and business development experience.
           Light Cystoscopy with Cys -                                               RCMP already has Medical Practice clients in South Florida, Central Florida,
           view®, an optical imaging                                               Maine, California and Oklahoma.
           agent for the detection of
           bladder cancer. Cysview is the
           only FDA-approved imaging
             Chad R. Ritch, M.D., MBA, urologic oncologist at Sylvester Comprehensive SEND US YOUR
           agent for use with photody-
           namic diagnosis/fluorescence enhanced cystoscopy.
           Cancer Center, has already begun successfully using the technology which
           makes hard-to-see tumors that may be present in the bladder more visible,
           standing out against normal tissue and making it easier to identify and remove
             Traditionally, when a tumor in the bladder is detected, doctors perform a
           transurethral resection, a surgical procedure where cancerous tissue is scraped
           out of the bladder. White light cystoscopy has been the standard for visualizing
           these suspicious lesions during the resection. However, when used on its own,  • News Tips
           harder-to-see tumors can often be missed, leaving cancerous cells behind
           which can result in recurrence or spread of the residual cancer cells deeper  • Letters To the Editor
           into the bladder.                                                          • Announce New Hires
             Cysview works by exploiting fluorescent properties of naturally occurring
           molecules which are then transformed into liquid and injected into the bladder  and Promotions
           one hour prior to the cystoscopy to coat its lining. Abnormal cancerous cells
           will absorb this molecule making them appear red when exposed to light from  • Promote Your Event
           a specific wavelength. Physicians are then better able to detect and remove the
           red glowing cancer cells in contrast to normal tissue, which appears in blue.  • Announce Business-Related Awards
             Studies have shown that use of Blue Light Cystoscopy has resulted in a 16  • Tout Your Success
           percent increase in detection of bladder tumors and approximately 10 percent
           decrease in cancer recurrence. In addition, patients who undergo Blue Light
           cystoscopy have a longer time to recurrence compared to those who have tra-
           ditional white light cystoscopy.                                                   E-mail your submissions to

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