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                              Lakeside Medical Center's Family Medicine Residency

                                 Program Celebrates 5th Annual Graduating Class

          Family, friends and colleagues recently                                                                    “When we were in medical school we all
        gathered at Lakeside Medical Center to cel-                                                                wanted to help people, save lives, and truly
        ebrate the graduation of three residents from                                                              make a difference,” said Justin Morgan,
        its Family Medicine Residency Program.                                                                     D.O., Co-Chief Resident. “Lakeside Medical
        Richard Roche, Hospital Administrator and                                                                  Center has provided these opportunities,
        Chief Administrative Officer with the                                                                      and so much more. I feel as though I have
        Health Care District of Palm Beach County                                                                  been a part something bigger. I’ve had the
        welcomed the more than 60 attendees. This                                                                  privilege to care for those in need while
        is the fifth class of residents to graduate                                                                learning invaluable skills that will serve
        from the program, which was established at                                                                 countless others, and for that I have nothing
        the acute-care facility in 2011 and is one of                                                              but gratitude to all those who have taught
        the few of its kind to focus on the special                                                                me.”
        health care needs of rural, underserved                                                                      “It was the best of both worlds, a small
        areas.                                                                                                     program with lots of opportunities,” said
          “The patient-to-primary care physician                                                                   Samantha Choudhury, Co-Chief Resident.
        ratio in rural areas is only 39.8 physicians                                                               “I’m from Palm Beach County, so I loved that
        per 100,000 people, significantly lower than                                                               I was able to serve those in need from my
        53.3 physicians per 100,000 people in urban                                                                community.”
        areas,” said Darcy J. Davis, Chief Executive                                                                 “I think it has been a good experience,”
        Officer of the Health Care District of Palm  (l-r) Richard Roche, Chief Administrative Officer and Hospital Administrator, Health  said Elisa Diaz, D.O. “For me the highlights
        Beach County, in a video address played at  Care District of Palm Beach County; Elisa Diaz, DO, Graduate; Justin Morgan, DO,  would be the outpatient family medicine
        the event. “This unmet need and its impact  Co-Chief Resident and Graduate; Samantha Choudhury, DO, Co-Chief Resident and  clinic, the mentorship of the preceptors, the
        on health is part of what makes the achieve-  Graduate; Takela S. Golson, MBA, Family Medicine Residency Program Coordinator,  varied patient population, and just doing
        ment of our three graduating residents so  Lakeside Medical Center; and Nikerson Geneve, DO, Family Medicine Residency  hands-on outpatient care which I enjoy.”
        important.”                              Program Director and Director of Medical Education, Lakeside Medical Center.  Lakeside Medical Center, which is accredit-
          The three graduates, Samantha Choudhury,                                                                 ed by The Joint Commission and owned and
        D.O., Elisa Diaz, D.O., and Justin Morgan,                                                                 operated by the Health Care District of Palm
        D.O., completed a rigorous three-year curriculum that included rotations in emergency  Beach County, is the program’s primary clinical training site.
        medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, geriatrics, general surgery, internal med-
        icine, community and sports medicine, cardiology, dermatology, women’s health, radiol-
        ogy, orthopedics, ENT, urology, ophthalmology and critical care.                          E-mail Your News Items to

         Cover Story: NSU Master of Public

         Health Program Helps Students

         Realize Their Potential

         Continued from page 1
         her epidemiology class, but                          ronment.
         quickly became more than that                          By allowing and
         when her professor suggested                         encouraging   stu-
         she make it a real initiative. She                   dents to be involved
         then met with Dr. Blavo and her                      in public health ini-
         advisors to bring her idea to                        tiatives from the
         fruition. The pilot project is                       beginning of the pro-
         expected to launch in Haiti this                     gram, students grad-
         October. Dr. Bruno believes it is                    uate as strong public
         the faculty’s proactive mentor-                      health practitioners.
         ing that sets the program apart.                     They learn how to
          Tony Swicer, a second-year                          apply new knowl-
         NSU osteopathic medicine stu-                        edge in their current
         dent, also comes from a clinical                     clinical setting and
         background. Prior to enrolling     Tony Swicer       are encouraged to
         as a dual-degree student to pur-                     pursue other inter-
         sue both his Master of Public Health and  ests in the health care field.
         Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degrees,  The accredited Master of Public Health
         he worked as a paramedic and later man-  degree at Nova Southeastern University
         aged an ambulance service. Swicer decided  requires a minimum of 42 semester hours,
         to pursue both degrees concurrently  including public health field experience
         because he believes understanding how all  and a comprehensive examination. The
         sides of the health system work will make  course may be completed within two to
         him a better advocate for his patients.  five years of matriculation and is offered
          Combining his paramedic experience  on-site and online. Supervised elective
         with his M.P.H. training, Swicer recently  field-based courses and research opportu-
         started working on a South Florida initia-  nities are also available.
         tive alongside physicians to improve car-
         diac arrest rates by training local EMS            For more information, visit
         responders and initiating new practices. or contact Dr. Cyril Blavo
         He believes the M.P.H. program teaches  at (954) 262-1613 or
         topics other health professional training   Shari Ramchal is Student Outreach
         programs do not, such as the interconnec-  Coordinator, Bachelors, Graduate, and
         tivity of personal health and the built envi-        Community Education.

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