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        Cover Story: Dr. Richard Prentiss Brings Wealth of Health Care Experience

        to New Role at Miami Dade College

         Continued from page 1                                                     Finding funding for programs is also a priority, especially with less money coming
         and a doctorate degree in Higher Education Administration from Florida   from the Legislature. “We are always working to demonstrate to our legislators the
         International University                                                 importance of investing in education, but it’s a challenge for us as an educational
           “In my new role, I want to continue making the Medical Campus the top educa-  institution because we depend on those funds to support our programs,” said Dr.
         tional health care facility in the region,” he said. “I also want to make sure that we  Prentiss. “Additionally, we are always looking for different revenue streams and new
         provide our graduates with the right competencies to meet all area employer and  grant opportunities to support programs and initiatives on campus.”
         industry needs.”                                                          One of Dr. Prentiss’ strengths is that he brings a lot of real-world health care expe-
           As interim president, Dr. Prentiss is responsible for the overall operation of the  rience to his new role, with more than 30 years of clinical experience in direct patient
         campus which includes both the Benjamin Leon School of Nursing and the School  care and 20 years’ experience in the development, implementation, and review of
         of Health Sciences. The college’s nursing program offers students a traditional asso-  educational programs associated with Health Sciences.
         ciate’s degree, as well as an RN-to-BSN program.                          “While working on the QEP program, I also worked with the District Office; this
           “We have 23 different allied health professions in the School of Health Sciences,  provided me with an enhanced understanding of the relationship between the cam-
         where students can earn associate and baccalaureate degrees, vocational credit certi-  puses and the District Office,” he said.
         fications, and college credit certifications,” said Dr. Prentiss, adding that there are  Dr. Prentiss is also focusing his attention on two major construction projects cur-
         approximately 5,000 students enrolled on the Medical Campus.             rently underway on the Medical Campus. “We have broken ground on a $60 million,
           Dr. Prentiss said that one of his goals is to increase the number of students  five-story, state-of-the-art facility that will include clinical simulation and new lab
         enrolling at Miami Dade College, which he hopes to do through community out-  space for some of our existing programs,” he said, adding that the building is expect-
         reach. “Almost all colleges and universities are seeing a dip in enrollment; it’s a  ed to be move-in ready by early 2019. “We will also build a six-story parking struc-
         national trend,” he explained. “This is consistent with a good economy—as the econ-  ture.”
         omy improves, people tend to choose jobs over training.                   In the longer term, Dr. Prentiss wants to make sure that the school continues to
           “We are reaching out to more high schools and grassroots organizations, and are  provide graduates with the right competencies to meet local employers’ needs. “We
         doing more information sessions out in the community,” he continued. “We’re talk-  are currently affiliated with more than 800 clinical sites where students do rotations,
         ing to people about starting a second career, or changing careers, or looking at health  and we’re looking at opportunities to expand those offerings,” he said. “We have an
         care as an alternative to other careers.”                                unmatched team of faculty and staff and are up to the challenge.”

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