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                               Kindred Healthcare CEO Among Miami Health Care

                                         MBA Grads Making Difference at the Top

          As President and CEO                         try. It is one of a few pro-  know as a consumer what to do.”  Kindred employees. “It’s not enough to
        of the largest provider of                     grams in the nation to have  Today, consumers have more input in  just listen – you have to be putting out
        post-acute health care in                      the distinction of dual    and ask more questions about their  really good content,” Breier explains.
        the nation, Benjamin                           accreditation by AACSB     health care and the care of their loved  At the heart of Kindred’s online strate-
        Breier understands the                         International - The Assoc -  ones. Breier has pushed Kindred to  gy is Breier’s vision to make a complicat-
        emotional   challenges                         iation to Advance Collegiate  evolve to meet those demands. “It wasn’t  ed company handling a complicated
        that patients and family                       Schools of Business and    always so consumer-driven,” says Breier,  societal issue less overwhelming for the
        members     experience                         CAHME-Commission on        who also has a certificate in health care  consumer. “It’s about taking a population
        when making health care                        Accreditation of Healthcare  administration from the School. “It used  who has to manage a complex set of
        decisions.                                     Management Education.      to be more doctor-focused or just what  questions and giving them the support
          Breier joined Kindred                          Breier, whom Modern      others told you to do. It has changed  and information they need each step
        Healthcare in 2005 and                         Healthcare named to its list  with the ability to access information and  along the way,” he says. Increasingly, that
        was named chief operat-                        of the “100 Most Influential  decide on the best way to care for mom  first step is taken on social media, and
        ing officer in 2010, pres-  Benjamin Breier    People in Healthcare” the  and dad.”                           Breier believes this is the case no matter
        ident in 2012, then pres-                      last two years, has empha-  Another important way that Kindred  what industry a company is in. “This is
        ident and CEO in March                         sized the importance of    connects with health care consumers is  true, whether you are talking about
        of 2015. Kindred, which is the largest  developing relationships with patients  via social media, Breier says, noting that  health care or making widgets,” he says.
        home health care provider and the largest  and with the families who are often  it plays an important role in how people  For companies that have yet to claim
        operator of rehabilitation services in the  responsible for making home health and  get information and how they communi-  their share of voice in the online space,
        U.S., also operates transitional care hos-  post-acute care decisions. He’s looked for  cate their likes, dislikes and opinions.  he says, “You are way, way behind if you
        pitals, nursing centers and hospice serv-  ways to make those decisions easier,  “Kindred dove in headfirst many years  aren’t doing it. You better start and catch
        ices in 46 states. With more than 100,000  which has led to consumer communica-  ago as social media was taking off,” he  up pretty fast.”
        employees, its 2016 revenue was $7.2  tion-focused efforts, including the  says. The company has maintained a   Breier comes from a proud ’Canes fam-
        billion.                             1.866.Kindred Contact Center and a   dominant presence across social media  ily: His father, Robert G. is a graduate of
          Breier is among nearly 1,000 physi-  variety of social media communications.  channels, with a dedicated department  Miami’s School of Law, and his late moth-
        cians and other health care industry pro-  The contact center, staffed by regis-  that actively responds to posts, tweets  er, Eileen G. Breier earned degrees from
        fessionals who have earned MBA degrees  tered nurses, helps callers from anywhere  and comments.              both the education and law schools.
        from the University of Miami through its  navigate insurance, Medicare, care for  “If someone is interacting with us on  The Miami Executive MBA in Health
        health sector-focused MBA program,   aging parents, rehabilitative services after  social media, we want to capture that and  Sector Management and Policy program
        since it began 37 years ago. The     an illness or surgery, home care and  make sure we are reaching out and build-  begins in January each year, with classes
        Executive MBA in Health Sector       more, guiding callers to services local to  ing a relationship with that person,”  meeting one weekend each month for 23
        Management and Policy program, deliv-  them.                              Breier says.                        months.
        ered by the University’s School of     “For those of us that have had family  In tweets, blogs, Facebook posts and
        Business Administration, applies busi-  members recently discharged from a hos-  videos, the company shares everything     More information about the
        ness, technical, administrative, and lead-  pital in this age category, it’s confusing.  from general health care information to  program can be found at
        ership concepts to the health care indus-  It’s scary,” Breier says. “You don’t really  success stories and interviews with

                                       Spotlight on National Health Center Week:

                Lake Worth Resident John Servideo Says He Owes FoundCare Community Health Center His life

          In honor of National                            chronic disease manage-  least fifty-one percent of FoundCare’s  to add a pharmacy so they would not
        Health   Center   Week,                           ment, behavioral health  board members are required to be   have to travel. The pharmacy has been a
        August 13-19, we recently                         services, dentistry, labo-  patients, so he is a perfect fit for the job.  great success in terms of adding financial
        sat down with the board                           ratory services and X-  He supports and sustains FoundCare’s  stability to our organization, and I like to
        president of a West Palm                          rays, and an on-site phar-  work and provides governance, leader-  see the process of an idea turn into an
        Beach-based     Federally                         macy, all in one location.  ship and strategic fundraising support.  accomplished fact.”
        Qualified Health Center to                        FoundCare accepts most   “Serving as board president is very sat-  Currently, the Lake Worth resident is a
        hear how he became                                insurance       plans,  isfying because I am able to bring my life  private chef, making gourmet meals in
        involved.                                         Medicaid, Medicare and  experiences to my role in helping   clients’ homes. For the last several years,
          In 2011, John Servideo                          self-pay on a sliding fee  FoundCare be more relevant to patients  he has donated his time and resources to
        lost his job abruptly and                         scale that is based on  and the community,” Servideo said.  FoundCare’s benefit gala, A Votre Sante,
        found   himself  without                          family size and income.  “FoundCare can assist families with  by offering his chef services as an auction
        health insurance. He turned                         “It could have been   access to affordable healthcare and serve  item to raise money.
        to FoundCare for the med-       John Servideo     fatal, but the FoundCare  as a patient-centered medical home.”  Servideo says he is interested in anoth-
        ical care he needed when he                       physicians were able to  Servideo was instrumental in oversee-  er term as President, then he says he will
        started to experience leg                         take care of me and heal  ing an onsite pharmacy addition so  let someone else take a turn. “I will con-
        pain. During a routine checkup, a doctor  my clot” said Servideo. “As payback, I do  FoundCare could serve as a “one-stop  tinue to donate dinners, though,”
        there discovered a large blood clot in  as much as I can for FoundCare.”  shop” for their patients’ medical services.  Servideo said.
        Servideo’s leg.                        After starting off as treasurer, Servideo  “I felt that a lot of the patients do not
          FoundCare, Inc. is a nonprofit     is now the president of the board of  have transportation, so it would be good  For more information about FoundCare,
        Federally Qualified Health Center that  directors, an elected position. As a  if they could have medical services all in  call 561-HEALTHY (561-432-5849) or visit
        offers pediatric and adult primary care,  Federally Qualified Health Center, at  one place,” Servideo said. “It made sense

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