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Dear Readers:

                 South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to, a feature of our print
               publication, website, and e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from leading authorities
                   about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis industry. We also intend to provide both national

                            and international information which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                                Investing in Cannabis 101 - Part 2

            The legal cannabis industry represents a great and profitable                     to be licensed by the Office of Drug Control for commercial medical
           opportunity. Unfortunately, the lack of information available has                  cannabis cultivation and production. Aurora acquired 19.9% of
           made it difficult for investors to know what is of value and should be             Cann Group and became the cornerstone investor ahead of its initial
           avoided.                                                                           public offering (IPO). Cann Group expects to harvest its initial crop
            Today, we have highlighted three Canadian-based publicly traded                   in early August.
           cannabis companies that also trade on the United States stock mar-                  In May, Aurora acquired Pedanios GmbH which has been import-
           ket. These companies are levered to a massive global growth trend                  ing, exporting, and distributing medical cannabis into and within
           and are positioned to capitalize over the coming years.                            the EU since December 2015. Earlier this month, Pedanios passed
                                                                                              the first stage of the tender application process to become a licensed
           An Emerging Global Cannabis Leader                                                 medical cannabis producer in Germany.
            Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB.V) (ACBFF) has been making waves                         Aurora has one of the strongest balance sheets when compared to
           in the global marijuana industry and is an industry leader.                        its peers and is levered to several emerging growth trends through-
            From Australia to Germany, this Canadian licensed producer has                    out the world. Aurora has more than 16,000 registered patients in
           significantly increased its market share and is levered to new legal  BY MICHAEL BERGER  Canada. We are favorable on the company’s leverage to other legal
           cannabis markets across the globe. On top of this, Aurora formed a                 markets and see it as a company to watch.
           strategic partnership and acquired a 19.9% position in Hempco
           Food and Fiber (HEMP.V: TSX Venture) – with an option to acquire 50.1%.  Learn About the World’s Largest
            In June, Cann Group Limited (ASX: CAN) became the first Australian company  Licensed Medical Cannabis Producer
                                                                                    Canopy Growth (WEED.TO) (TWMJF) is by far the largest and most diverse
                                                                                  licensed Canadian medical marijuana producer. The company is comprised of sev-
                                                                                  eral wholly owned subsidiaries and has increased its reach by making investments
                                                                                  and acquisitions of companies all over the globe.
                                                                                    Canopy Growth was the first publicly traded licensed Canadian medical marijua-
                                                                                  na producer and is levered to the emerging medical marijuana market in Germany.
                                                                                  The company has a greater breadth of multi-site management than any other
                                                                                  cannabis firm in the world. In addition to previously announced work in Brazil
                                                                                  through its strategic partnership with Entourage Phytolab and its stake in
                                                                                  Australia-based AusCann Group, Canopy has also entered the Chilean cannabis
                                                                                    The company has a very strong balance sheet and has penetrated new interna-
                                                                                  tional markets. We expect to see Canopy further expand its presence across the
                                                                                  globe and see continued growth for years to come.
                                                                                    With more than 58,000 Canadian customers on its online store, Canopy possess-
                                                                                  es some of the most attractive growth prospects and we expect the company to con-
                                                                                  tinue to be a leader for years to come.

                                                                                  A Cannabis and Technology Opportunity
                                                                                    Reliq Health Technologies (RHT: TSX Venture) (RHQTF: OTC) is a healthcare
                                                                                  technology company that specializes in developing innovative, secure mobile soft-
                                                                                  ware solutions for the multi-billion-dollar community healthcare market.
                                                                                    Reliq has several high profile pilots in progress with leading hospitals and health-
                                                                                  care networks in North America and Europe including Sacred Heart Health System
                                                                                  in FL, the Feldman Institute in LA and the National Health Service England in the
                                                                                  UK. The company also has a partnership with a licensed Canadian cannabis pro-
                                                                                  ducer, Invictus MD Strategies (IMH.V) (IVITF: OTC) to capture high value data on
                                                                                  strain, dose, mode of administration, symptom relief and side effects from medical
                                                                                  marijuana users.
                                                                                    Reliq is generating revenue. The company has contracts in place with a 12,000
                                                                                  patient home care agency and a 36,000 patient Accountable Care Organization in
                                                                                  Texas that are expected to generate over $10 million in recurring annual revenue
                                                                                  in 2018.
                                                                                    Reliq Health is led by a strong management team with a proven track record of
                                                                                  success before joining the company. Reliq’s CEO Lisa Crossley is an experienced
                                                                                  healthcare IT executive and had previously served as the CEO of VitalHub Corp.
                                                                                  and Natrix Separations.
                                                                                    Reliq Health has a very small market capitalization and the potential monthly
                                                                                  revenue from its pilot programs is incrementally larger than its market cap. For this
                                                                                  reason, we believe Reliq is significantly undervalued and underappreciated by Wall
                                                                                     Michael Berger is the Founder/President of Technical 420 LLC and may be reached at
                                                                                                           (305) 458-9982, or

        26                       August 2017                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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