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                                                        Inaugural Graduation Makes History for CHI

                 South Florida's
                                               The Brodes H. Hartley Jr. Teaching
                     Monthly                 Health Center graduated two residents
             Healthcare Newspaper            during its inaugural graduation and
                                             white coat ceremony on June 2Oth. Dr.
                    PO Box 812708            Hilary Gerber and Dr. Patricia Nunez are
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708     the first to finish the program. Dr. Gerber
                Phone: (561) 368-6950        has already passed her boards, a signifi-
                                             cant accomplishment for her and for
                                             Community Health of South Florida, Inc.
                      Website:               Dr. Nunez will officially finish her resi-

                                             dency in December, but walked across
                                             the stage in celebration with Dr. Gerber.
                   CHARLES FELIX               “Today marks a major milestone for
                    CAROL FELIX              CHI,” said Brodes H. Hartley Jr.,
                      Publishers             President and CEO. “the seeds that we
                                             planted three years ago are blooming!”
                   NANCY LAMMIE                Back then, CHI was the first teaching
                                             health center at a community health cen-
                                             ter in the state of Florida. The graduation  (l-r) Barbara Trost, GME Programs Mngr., Dr. Elizabeth Philippe ADME,
                    JUDY GRAMM                                                          Dr. Susan Manella DME, Dr. Hilary Gerber graduate, Brodes H. Hartley Jr.
              Editorial Manager & Webmaster  was significant for the federally qualified
                                             health center because when it started the          President/CEO, Dr. Saint Anthony Amofah, CMO, DIO.
                                             process to become a teaching health cen-
                   JMC GRAPHICS
                    Art/Production           ter the project seems overly ambitious.                it was pretty hard,” said 12 year- old Zachary Thomas. “I think
               “At first it seemed to be mission impossible because we were  it was pretty cool that she got an award and she got to gradu-
                    412-835-5796             told of the long wait and the long process in order to become  ate.”
                                             accredited and if we had to wait that long we would miss the  Dr. Gerber told the audience, that many ask her how she was
               CONTRIBUTING WRITERS          opportunity for the grant,” recalled Hartley.          able to accomplish so much as a single mother. “The truth is
                     Lisa Bianco               But the team pulled together and built the program with the  that I juggle,” said Dr. Gerber. “I drop the ball and sometime
                                             help of partners like Larkin Community Hospital. Sandy Sosa,  they roll under the couch. None of this would have been pos-
                   Daniel Casciato
                   Barbara Fallon            Larkin CEO, spoke to the graduates.                    sible without my family.”
                                               “I hope you will tell everyone to take this road less traveled,”  As two graduates leave the program, five more entered it that
                     Vanessa Orr
                                             she said.                                              night with a special white coat ceremony.
                    Lois Thomson
                                               By 2020, the nation is expected to face a major shortage of  “The white coat symbolizes the virtues of altruism, responsi-
                                             physicians. Programs like this help grow and retain doctors  bility, duty, honor, respect and compassion,” said Dr. Saint
                                             where they are needed most.                            Anthony Amofah, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Academic
               LOOK FOR OUR                    As Gerber received her certificate and a standing ovation, her  Officer. “It inspires confidence and trust and today we place
                                             two boys watched in admiration.                        our confidence and trust in the five new residents who will
                 NEXT ISSUE                    “I think it’s amazing. I know she’s done a lot here and I know  wear these white coats.”
               IN SEPTEMBER
                 TO REACH US                                   Lee Health Family Medicine Residents
                 ADVERTISING                                                  Celebrate Graduation
                 OR EDITORIAL
                 Call (561) 368-6950           Lee Health recently celebrated the
                                             graduation of the class of 2017 of The
                      or e-mail
                                             Florida State University College of
                                             Medicine Family Medicine Residency
                                             Program. The residency program is based
                                             at Lee Memorial Hospital and was created
               SUBSCRIPTIONS                 to combat an expected national shortage
                                             of primary care physicians—an issue that
                   One Year $40              is compounded locally by a rapidly grow-
                                             ing aging population.
                  Two Years $60
                                               This year’s graduates include:
                 Three Years $75               • Dr. Chelsey Scheiner, who is practic-
                                             ing urgent care in Fort Myers
                                               • Dr. Lee Coghill, who is staying in the
                   To subscribe,
                                             area to serve as a global health fellow
                call (561) 368-6950            • Dr. Liz Midney-Martinez, who will
               or subscribe online at        practice family medicine with Lee
                                             Physician Group in LaBelle
                    ____________               •Dr. Carl Nyberg, who will work as a  (l-r) Dr. Chelsey Scheiner, Dr. Lee Coghill, Dr. Elizabeth Midney-Martinez, Dr. Alyson Lewis
                                             hospitalist in Fort Myers
                                               •Dr. Alyson Sanchious, who plans to        Sanchious, Dr. Carl Nyberg, Dr. Eileen Callaway, and Dr. Olevia Metry.
               All rights reserved. Reproduction   practice in Fort Myers
               in whole or part without written
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2017.  • Dr. Eileen Callaway, who will practice
                                             with Lee Physician Group in Bonita Springs
                                               • Dr. Olevia Metry, who will be moving back to her hometown and will practice in the Tampa/Clearwater area
                                               Medical school graduates are required to complete residency training in their chosen specialty in order to become independently
                                             practicing physicians. The class of 2017 physicians at Lee Health was the first group recruited to the program through the National
              Don’t forget to include        Residency Matching Program.
           South Florida Hospital News         The Florida State University College of Medicine Family Medicine Residency Program at Lee Health takes residents through 36
                                             months of training, which is divided into four-week blocks. These rotations are completed at Lee Memorial Hospital, HealthPark
               & Healthcare Report           Medical Center and Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. The program began with its inaugural class in July 2014.
              in your Marketing Plans          In December 2016, the residency program was approved for expansion from 18 residents to 24, and received Continued
                                             Accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for the next 10 years.
          Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

         24                       August 2017                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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