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                                         Preventing Diabetes: The Silent Killer

          According to the Cen -                         as blindness, kidney fail-  Diabetes Information Clearinghouse,  individuals have a goal to lose at least 5
         ters for Disease Control                        ure, heart disease, stroke,  even after ten years, participants had a  to 7 percent of their starting weight and
         (CDC), 86 million people                        and amputations of limbs.   34 percent lower rate of developing type  achieve at least 150 minutes of moder-
         within the United States                          It is essential that we  2 diabetes and 40 percent of program  ate-intensity physical activity each week.
         have pre-diabetes, which is                     work on preventing or    participants maintained their weight  Within the second six months, partici-
         approximately one out of                        delaying the onset of type  loss.                            pants are expected to keep off the weight
         every   three   adults.                         2 diabetes in high-risk    The National Diabetes Prevention  they have lost and continue their partic-
         Additionally, of those 86                       individuals. Communities  Program (DPP), led by the CDC, can  ipation in at least 150 minutes of moder-
         million Americans, nine                         at high risk of developing  help individuals at high risk implement  ate-intensity physical activity each week.
         out of 10 individuals don't                     type 2 diabetes include  the necessary changes to help prevent or  The cost of the DPP depends on the
         even know that they have                        individuals who are 45   delay type 2 diabetes.              organization providing the educational
         pre-diabetes. Without dia -                     years of age or older, over-  The DPP is a year-long educational  program. Some organizations, like Holy
         gnosis and proper inter-                        weight or obese, have a  program that focuses on making and sus-  Cross Hospital, provide the program at
         ventions, 15 to 30 percent    BY KRISTEN        family member with dia-  taining healthy lifestyles changes. The  no cost for Broward County residents
         of people with pre-dia-  SCHROEDER, BSN-RN,     betes,  not  physically  program consists of 16 weekly sessions,  who qualify. However, other private
         betes will develop type 2     CHES, CDE         active, had gestational dia-  followed by 4 bi-weekly sessions, and  providers can charge up to $500 per per-
         diabetes within five years.                     betes while pregnant, and  then 6 monthly maintenance sessions.  son to help cover expenses related to the
          Currently, there is no                         of certain racial and eth-  By attending each session of the pro-  program.
         cure for type 2 diabetes. In 2014, the  nic backgrounds, such as African  gram, participants learn how to eat        To learn more about the National
         CDC's National Diabetes Statistics  American, Hispanic/Latino American,  healthy, add physical activity into their  Diabetes Prevention Program, visit the
         Report found that roughly $245 billion  American Indian, Pacific Islander and  daily life, and properly manage their              CDC's website at
         was spent on medical costs and lost work  Asian American.                stress. Additionally, participants are able
         or wages for individuals with diagnosed  In a diabetes prevention program  to connect with other individuals who
         diabetes. Additionally, the report stated  research study led by the National  have similar goals and receive support  Kristen Schroeder is a clinical education
         that the risk of death for adults with dia-  Institute of Health, individuals with pre-  from a trained lifestyle coach.   coordinator in the community outreach
         betes is 50 percent higher than for adults  diabetes who were actively engaged in a  The goal of the program is to help par-  department of holy cross hospital. She can
         without diabetes. Furthermore, individ-  structured lifestyle change program cut  ticipants achieve a moderate weight loss  be reached at (954) 771-2381 or
         uals with diabetes are more likely to  their risk of developing type 2 diabetes  by eating well and becoming more phys-
         develop serious health conditions such  by 58 percent. According to the National  ically active. Within the first six months,

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