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Cover Story: Boca Raton Regional Hospital CEO Announces Retirement

        Continued from page 1                 “When you have those times of chal-  miss about being at Boca. The first is a  ment some thought. He admits that he
        residency programs.                  lenge, as we did in 2012, it can cause you  hospital’s ability to help people. When  can't go from the very intense job he has
          He earned his Bachelors of Science in  to reevaluate where you're going and  he first entered healthcare, as a general  now to not doing anything. He definitely
        Mathematics and Master of Business   whether or not you have the real com-  counsel for West Penn Hospital in  plans to live in Boca Raton.
        Administration degrees with honors   mitment to the vision you have,” he  Pittsburgh, PA, someone told Fedele that  “As I've joked to a few people recently,
        from the University of Pittsburgh and  adds. “2012 was a real challenging time  he will love being there because he will  for the last 10 years, this hospital has
        Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne    as we took that first step back.”   leave work every day being so proud and  been my employer. For the next 10 years
        University School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA,  Fedele credits his leadership team in  fulfilled that you helped people. Fedele  and beyond, it's going to be my medical
        where he was class valedictorian.    navigating that rough period. One of the  thought it was an odd comment at the  provider,” he says with a laugh.
          Fedele reflects over the time he has  advantages that Fedele has as a leader is  time since he came from the industrial  While he plans to do something a little
        been with Boca as having two significant  his ability to keep looking ahead to see  world prior to joining West Penn.   less intense, Fedele doesn't anticipate he
        accomplishments from a macro perspec-  the big picture of where both the hospi-  “As a lawyer coming from a commer-  will have any trouble filling the time. As
        tive. The first was in 2008 when the hos-  tal and the industry is headed. Once he  cial industrial setting into healthcare, his  a lawyer by background who still has his
        pital was losing money.              has that vision for the future, he tries to  comment about helping people really  law license, he says that he may do some
          “I'm proud of saving the hospital.  bring together an extraordinarily talent-  didn't resonate with me at first,” he says.   legal work and perhaps some healthcare
        From 2008 to 2010, we went from losing  ed team to steer it in the right direction.   About six months into his first health-  consulting. As for fun, he has a number
        $120 million to breaking even,” he says.  “I’ve surrounded myself with a talent-  care position as a general counsel is  of hobbies he plans to continue to pur-
        “We saved the hospital from going out of  ed group of people,” he says. “I remem-  when he started to realize that hospitals  sue such as photography, biking, and
        business or being sold. That was a big  ber looking around the room one day in  do something special that most other  traveling.
        accomplishment.”                     2012 and telling them that we've made  organizations in any other industry in  “My family is also growing,” he says.
          But the period since then is what  so much progress and we're just going to  the country don't have the opportunity  “I have three young adult children who
        Fedele is most proud about. Once the  get over this hurdle as well. Everybody  to do.                        are starting to have families of their own.
        hospital had been able to break even, it  pulled together and we got over that and  “That's to help people in some of the  In fact, my first grandchild just turned
        redefined its vision and elevated its  have been on just a real roll since then.”  most difficult times of their lives,” says  one recently so I plan to spend more
        prominence in the community.          The biggest thing that surprised   Fedele. “No matter what position you  time with family.”
          “We've gone from not just saving a  Fedele during the past nine years at the  hold in the hospital, whether you're a  As he reflects one last time on his
        hospital but from taking what was a  hospital was the extraordinary commit-  receptionist, a lawyer or environmental  tenure with Boca, Fedele is amazed at
        community hospital and turning it into  ment of the community to the hospital.   services, or certainly a nurse or a doctor,  how quickly the past nine years have
        one of the premier regional academic  “I've been in healthcare for 30 years  you have that unique privilege to really  flown by.
        referral centers in South Florida,” says  and had a 10-year career before health-  impact people. Throughout my 30 years  “I will have been here for essentially
        Fedele. “That's even more exciting   care,” he says. “I have never in my 40  in healthcare, I've gone home every day  one-fifth of the organization's exis-
        because it's a path of fulfilling a vision  years of professional experience seen a  feeling good about what I do. I'm going  tence—one decade out of five,” he says.
        and growth that is both fun to be a part  community that had such a feeling of  to miss that feeling. That's something  “There's no question I'm leaving it in a
        of and serves our community even bet-  ownership and commitment to a hospi-  that becomes part of what I've done for  better position than I found it. More
        ter.”                                tal as the Boca Raton community does  the last three decades.”          importantly than saving the hospital,
          For Fedele, the most challenging time  for Boca Raton Regional Hospital. We  The other thing that he'll miss most is  we've redefined the vision for this hospi-
        at Boca was not at the beginning but in  have philanthropy that is clearly the pin-  the team of people he works with who  tal to be the preeminent hospital in
        2012 when they suffered a setback after  nacle of any standalone community hos-  he calls extremely talented and commit-  South Florida. We've come a long way to
        being on an upward trajectory for several  pital in the United States. People just  ted.                     realize that vision. There’s more work to
        years. After the first two years, the path  have a real passion for supporting this  “I'm just going to miss the daily inter-  be done, but I think it's on a great trajec-
        to success was clear, but invariably,  hospital.”                        action with 2,500 employees who are all  tory.”
        everything doesn't go as smoothly as you  As he nears his retirement, Fedele says  here for the same reasons,” he says.
        want it to go, he notes.             that there are two things that he will  Fedele has given his impending retire-        For more information, visit

              DATEBOOK                                                           October 21
                                                                                 Ronald McDonald Gala Celebration
                                                                                   The Ronald McDonald House Charities 35th Anniversary Gala Celebration will
                                                                                 be held Saturday, October 21 at the Donna E. Shalala Student Center Grand
            August 9-11                                                          Ballroom, 1330 Miller Dr. Coral Gables. To purchase tickets, visit the website at
            UAB National Symposium for Healthcare Executives            or call (786) 476-2176.
             The UAB National Symposium for Healthcare Executives will be held August
            9-11 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Resort. Earn 12+ ACHE face-to-face credits.  October 27-28
            Visit for more information.                             Echocardiography Symposium
                                                                                   Baptist Health South Florida presents the 36th Annual Echocardiography
            September 14                                                         Symposium October 27-28 at the Hilton, Miami Airport. For more information,
            SFHEF Education Event                                                visit or contact
             South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. presents Diversity and
            Inclusion in Healthcare on Thursday, August 17 from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. at FAU –  November 2
            Davie Campus, 3200 College Ave. Register at           SFHHA 25th Annual Golf Tournament
                                                                                   This annual golf tournament will benefit the South Florida Hospital Research
            August 24                                                            and Education Foundation. For more information, call (954) 964-1660 or visit
            NAHSE Educational Event                                              the website
             The National Association of Health Services Executives and SF Medical Group
            Management Association presents “Leadership and Career Development in  November 5-8
            Healthcare” on Thursday, August 24 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at American Medical  Emergency Radiology Symposium
            Depot, 10315 USA Today Way, Miramar. For more information, contact Grant  Baptist Health South Florida presents the 17th Annual Emergency Radiology
            McGaugh at (305) 562-1825 or                Symposium November 5-8, at the Ritz Carlton South Beach, Miami Beach. For
                                                                                 more information, visit or contact
            October 11                                                 
            Broad and Cassel Health Forum
             Broad and Cassel LLP and The Advisory Board Company are hosting the  December 1-2
            Seventh Annual Health Forum on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at the Signature  Miami Neuro Symposium and Miami Brain Symposium
            Grand in Davie, FL. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by presenta-  Baptist Health South Florida presents the 6th Annual Miami Neuro Symposium
            tions and discussions with some of the industry's top professionals knowledge-  and the Inaugural Miami Brain Symposium December 1-2 at the Biltmore Hotel,
            able about today's rapidly changing health care landscape. For more information,  Coral Gables. For more information, visit
            contact Elizabeth Levine at or (407) 839-4229.   or contact

        30                       August 2017                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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