Page 85 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 85
Table of corresponding past form of verbs/modals (with 'play' as an example)
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Simple Present Simple Past
plays/play played
do not play/does not play did not play
Present Continuous Past Continuous
is/are/am playing was/were playing
Present Perfect Past Perfect
has/have played had played
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
has/have been playing had been playing
Simple Past Past Perfect
played/did not play had played/had not played
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
was/were playing had been playing
Past Perfect no change
had played
Past Perfect Continuous no change
had been playing
will/shall play would/should play
can/may play could/might play
If the reported speech expresses a universal truth habitual fact or permanent
fact/situation then the tense remains unchanged.
Example : The teacher said, “The earth is round”. (Direct speech)
The teacher said that the earth is round. (Indirect Speech)
85 Grammar-7