Page 86 - Carvaan Grmmar-7
P. 86

Rule 3

                Change in time and place is expressed        in past tense.

                               Direct Speech                                  Indirect Speech

                                     this                                            that

                                    these                                           those

                                     here                                           there

                                  now/just                                           then

                                     ago                                            before

                               today/tonight                                that day/that night

                                  yesterday                          the previous day/the day before

                              last night/week                            the previous night/week

                                 tomorrow                            the day after/the following day

                                    hence                                          thence

                                      so                                             thus

                Conversion of different types of sentences into Indirect speech :

                (a)  The reporting verb 'said' is usually changed into 'told' if it is followed by an object.

                     If there is no object, it is left unchanged.

                (b)  ‘That’ is used as a conjunction in place of inverted commas (“.....”).

                (c)  Tenses, pronouns, possessive adjectives and word denoting nearness of time and

                     place are changed according to the rules already stated.

                     Example :     He said to me, “I shall help you.”                            (Direct speech)

                                  He told me that he would help me.                              (Indirect speech)

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