Page 131 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                         Success Metrics

Loyalty programs can work,         • Overall, store sales increased
but in this day and age, shop-        6.5 percent in one year.
pers are reluctant to add yet
another loyalty card to their      • The FOODe Flash Card pro-
keychains or wallets. Newport         gram had 9,468 cardholders,
Avenue Market’s digital loyalty       with an average of 861 sign-ups
cards have a unique feature: the      per month.
FOODe Flash Card uses RFID
(radio-frequency identification)    • Approximately 68 percent of
and bar codes to make it easy to      Newport Avenue Market shop-
get instant rewards in the store.     pers are FOODe Flash Card
By tying in e-mail marketing, the
customer is constantly presented                                               Takeaway Tip
with relevant specials (including
Super Secret Sales), and results                                                                With market penetration in the loyalty
show that they are more likely                                                                  rewards area reaching all-time highs, you
to take advantage of these than                                                                 have to provide extra benefits to your cus-
are non-loyalty-based custom-                                                                   tomers and entice them to participate. A
ers. In fact, an average of 50 to                                                               program that uses the latest technology to
70 percent of total purchases                                                                   provide special benefits and clever branding
at these sales has come from                                                                    that makes customers feel “hip” for using it
FOODe Flash Card holders.                                                                       increases brand loyalty exponentially.

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