Page 129 - Visual Marketing
P. 129

Why It Works                      case to convey confidence that
                                  StartMeUp will be easy to use.
You’d probably expect that the    Klaetke says the design went
new packaging appealed specifi-    more Martha Stewart than
cally to the average macho man    NASCAR, but the look is one
browsing his local auto supply    that appeals to both sexes.
store. Au contraire.
                                    Success Metrics                   Takeaway Tip
Klaetke said they discovered
that although anyone who drives   • The new package design helped     Key to effective packaging is knowing your
a car is worried about having        get StartMeUp carried by major   target audience well and designing a style of
to deal with a dead battery, it      retail stores, most notably      packaging that will appeal to that audience.
is women who tend to be less         Walmart.                         Attractive packaging that suggests a quality
likely to want to hook up jumper                                      product inside can also entice key retailers
cables or flag down strangers.     • By rebranding the StartMeUp       to carry the product.
The emergency jump starter is        emergency jump starter, includ-
one you can keep in your glove       ing new logo, package, and
compartment, and it charges          product design, the company
your battery through the ciga-       reestablished consumer confi-
rette lighter. “Women like small     dence in the product.
and simple,” he says.

So the end design leaned
toward women, using bright
colors, a clean look, “easy
as 1-2-3” logo, and a plastic

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