Page 125 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                          expression at an early age. “We   • Mark Cass says that driving
                                      often hear five-year-olds say, ‘I     people into the stores is the
Cass Art has five stores in            love this place,’ ” says Cass.       real key: “Once you get into the
London, where they have given         This campaign excited the            shop, it’s very hard not to fill
away more than 15,000 illus-          young artists—and their par-         your basket.”
trated children’s activity books      ents—leading to increased sales
in a quality carry-around bag         as it strengthened customer
that makes the gift truly desir-      loyalty.
able. “Everyone likes something
that’s free . . . and educational,”     Success Metrics
says Mark Cass. The promotion
builds loyalty and has boosted        • More than 15,000 kits have
sales for a new line of children’s       been given to customers at five
art supplies.                            London area stores.

The Young British Artist label        • Sales have grown 20 percent
emblazoned on the side of the            over the past three years.
bag works on two levels. For
children, it’s a call to be artists,       Takeaway Tip
and for their parents, it’s a sly
reference to a group of visual               Everyone loves something for free—especially
artists also known as the YBAs,              if it taps into the passions of your customers
who began exhibiting together                and reinforces the philosophy of your business.
in London in the late 1980s.                 For retail, giving away a quality gift that gets
Cass Art believes in the power               people into your store and that recipients trea-
of art and encourages artistic               sure will grow sales. Once in the store, people
                                             will spend. And they will come back.

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