Page 135 - Visual Marketing
P. 135

Why It Works                          customized cartoon on the front   • Two of the CEOs signed up for
                                      and a personal message from          training immediately, resulting in
Stu Heinecke is a cartoonist and      the sender on the back. Some         more than $50,000 in sales.
founder of CartoonLink, Inc. a        versions include a calendar,
marketing company that uses           which increases the likelihood         Takeaway Tip
cartoons to reach prospects.          that the piece will be displayed
Heinecke calls this “contact          for a year.                              Bulk flat-mail pieces are easy to discard.
campaigning” and says the key                                                  Senior decision makers are bombarded
is creating targeted customized      Success Metrics                           with them. But an unexpectedly large piece
drawings and punch lines that                                                  customized to the recipient will invite the
feature the CEO in a personal      • CartoonLink BigBoards were                attention of busy C-level executives, who are
way. These are not just generic       sent to five Fortune 1000 CEOs,           often unreachable by other means.
cartoons. The large size and          and all five agreed to meet with
the personal messaging make           the Sandler representative.
them hard to ignore—and it’s
hard to throw away a cartoon
when you are featured in it.
Heinecke experimented with a
number of formats, including
framed prints with an accom-
panying letter—which worked
quite well but required addi-
tional packaging and special
handling. The preferred format
is a large poster board about the
size of a flat-screen TV with a

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