Page 139 - Visual Marketing
P. 139

Why It Works                          business. By making the client
                                      feel special, Remillet is effec-
“Mom’s don’t expect things to         tively building her army of brand
be for them, any mother will          evangelists.
attest: we give, not take,” says
Remillet. She wanted to surprise     Success Metrics
her clients by giving them gifts
they could use: reusable jute      • Having spent only $200 on
bags for delivering orders,           advertising last year, Remillet
3 ϫ 3 mini albums for purses,         received three clients from that
and custom iPhone cases featur-       campaign and the rest came
ing Remillet’s work.                  from referrals.

“I wanted to first exceed any       • Clients often send her gifts to
expectations in such a way that       reciprocate the love.
[the client] was dying to talk
about me and then surprise her     • Remillet is typically booked in
with wonderful gifts and prod-        advance for four to six weeks.
ucts that give her the tools to
showcase my business,” says             Takeaway Tip
                                          Clients are number one. Make them feel
These aren’t your typical stress          special and they’ll refer more business your
ball tchotchkes. These are                way. If you give promotional items, don’t
items that get clients talking to         waste it on plastic novelties, but spend it
their friends about Remillet’s            instead on something your clients can actu-
                                          ally use—and that acts as a speaking tool
                                          for your business.                                118

                                               IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD
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