Page 137 - Visual Marketing
P. 137

“It was a win-win for everyone,”     Success Metrics                    Takeaway Tip
says Bouweiri, CEO of Reston
Limousine (pictured with one of    • Sterling Women gave away 800       Customers, clients, and business partners
her firm’s cars, representing the      calendars in part to promote the  will treasure a high-quality paper calen-
month of December).                   women’s businesses. They sold     dar with creative, interesting photographs.
                                      200. The project was profitable.   People relate to real live people, and see-
Why It Works                                                            ing them on a calendar builds trust for your
                                   • Due to the success of the cam-     brand throughout the entire year.
The calendar is an appealing          paign, Sterling Women now
way to show each woman’s              plans to release a calendar each
strengths and achievements            year.
through visual interpretation,
furthering the purposes of the
networking group. Each busi-
nesswoman is photographed
by photographer Teri Moy in
an environment that relates to
her work. The photographs are
creatively staged and exquisitely
rendered, making the calen-
dar images miniature works of
art. The calendar serves as a
reminder throughout the year of
the women and their businesses,
as well as the advertisers who
appear in the calendar.

                                   IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SIC A L W O R L D 116
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