Page 143 - Visual Marketing
P. 143

Why It Works                           Jones song. The video promo-      their expenses on the new sales
                                       tion itself became the catalyst   the campaign generated.
The orange pillow seems outra-         for DAAKE’s prospects. Instead
geous enough, and yet that’s           of broadcasting the video on      Takeaway Tip
just the beginning. Feedback           YouTube, DAAKE decided to
from recipients of the pillow gift     “narrowcast” the video and use     Johnny Carson made a career out of the come-
has been ecstatic. Many clients        it as a one-to-one marketing       back joke, the quip that followed when the big
wrote asking for an appoint-           follow-up.                         joke bombed. When you plan a prospecting
ment; one added, “My pillow is                                            campaign, be sure to put just as much time
safely on top of my credenza—         Success Metrics                     and thought into how you will follow up with
otherwise the cat in our office                                            each prospect. Creating a follow-up that’s just
would shred it!” DAAKE hand         • In the first iteration, 100 pillow   as clever and appealing as the initial campaign
picked 100 key prospects and           gifts were sent out, leading to    will increase your sales conversions.
delivered the pillow in a pack-        20 client meetings and three
age with a brochure that asked,        new customers (so far).
“Who is DAAKE?” If a client
or prospect did not respond to      • DAAKE met its goal of attract-
the pillow, DAAKE would send           ing the attention of 100 key
them an e-mail asking, “Where          prospects and already recouped
is your pillow?” then attach the
video that shows the poor pillow
being thrown into a dumpster,
donated to Goodwill, or being
tossed out of a window. The
adventures of the pillow are told
to the soundtrack of an old Tom

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