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Eight years later, the company         that both moms and kids have         • Lunchology just landed a three-
offers more than 1,000 themed          with the product, the bags are          year nationwide contract with a
bags sets intended to “educate,        intentionally designed to continue      division of Staples.
entertain and inspire” kids. The       to look like a “Mom” hand drew
bags are now carried by upscale        the messages: no slick commer-       • In a case of bad-news good-
grocery markets and gift retailers     cial images here. All messaging         news, the lunch bags have
across the United States, includ-      is positive, loving, and uplifting,     become so popular that imita-
ing Whole Foods. Thomas no             meant to build self-esteem and          tors have popped up, prompting
longer draws the designs herself.      pump up fragile young egos.             Lunchology to enforce trade-
As she says, as the business           Some messages are educa-                mark rights more than once.
grew, she had to start taking off      tional, containing small factoids.
hats. Besides, she acknowledges        For example, one such factoid             Takeaway Tip
that if you want to grow you           describes how the microwave
must bring in people who are           oven was discovered. The draw-              Emotion underpins and informs our buying
more competent than you are at         ings are friendly, too, and child-          decisions. For some products, emotion is at
certain things. Graphic designer       like. The company is introducing            the center. Make sure your brand contin-
Kenny Kiernan breathed new life        its first four-color lunch bag, but          ues to maintain that emotional connection
into her original designs and now      until now, all drawings have been           and authenticity that attracted your target
creates all new designs.               in black (to simulate a pencil or           market in the first place. Small details in
                                       pen drawing).                               your designs—your choice of images, fonts,
Why It Works                                                                       and colors—convey emotion. Even as you
                                      Success Metrics                              grow your business and your brand expands,
Lunchology knows its target                                                        choose outside design help that shares your
market well: both the moms who      • The lunch bags are now carried               vision and will extend it, not change it.
buy the bags and the kids who          in 1,500 retail outlets across the
clamor for them. To strengthen         United States.
the strong emotional connection

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