Page 157 - Visual Marketing
P. 157

To promote awareness of the          If you like the book (reader) I      Success Metrics
book, Edgar created a book           hope you might be inspired to
signing invitation postcard that     try some of the great products     • Book sales have been excellent.
depicts the book on one side,        the women make.”                   • As a business with a social con-
with details about the book sign-    As an actual product that
ing on the other, and handed         people can use, it tends to be        science, it’s not all about money.
them out at professional events.     valued enough not to be thrown        Says Edgar, “I hope telling the
Not unusual, right? But what         out like so many items given at       artisans’ stories will help them
makes the postcard stand out         events.                               to grow their businesses: first
is that attached to it was one of    And as Edgar says, “When we           through growth in our orders
the fair-trade coin purses sold by   give products it lets us re-order     to them due to increased busi-
Global Girlfriend.                   with our groups who make the          ness driven by new customers
                                     goods so it’s a win-win for our       who read the book and second
Why It Works                         brand and the women behind            through other importers who
                                     the products.”                        may choose to work with them.”
It has synergies on several levels.
It’s a product sample attached       Takeaway Tip
to a printed promotional piece
so that people can identify the      A branded book that tells the story behind
brand origin. But it also is about   your business is excellent for growing aware-
using a branded book to create       ness, among other things. Don’t pass up an
crossover appeal and awareness       opportunity to promote your business with
for a brand. Says Edgar, “If you     the book, which has crossover appeal. One
like our products (customer) I       way to do that is to offer a product sample
hope you might read the stories      to promote the book.
behind the products in the book.

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