Page 165 - Visual Marketing
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Why It Works                          a cartoon Keith Beith with a witty      • Return on investment in gross
                                      quip and a smile on newsletters,            revenue/cost was 5,600 percent.
Keith Beith, the senior loan          statement stuffers, direct mail,
officer at Proponent, is depicted      in-branch posters, and online cal-      • The personal goodwill generated
as a cartoon character who            culators. Keith Beith grew up in            by promoting Keith Beith and
guides you through the thicket of     Freehold, New Jersey, in a small            his cartoon likeness supports
mortgage loan processing. The         town where everyone knows your              Proponent’s positioning as a
campaign provides an unusual          name. Beith says his name has               friendly bank where your neigh-
comic approach to a traditional       always been more of an asset                bors may be found.
and serious topic. It’s friendly      than a liability. “Once it’s heard,
and nonthreatening and invites        it’s never forgotten,” says Beith.       Takeaway Tip
customers to get to know the
person who will help them save       Success Metrics                            In some industries it can be hard to differenti-
money on their mortgages.                                                       ate one company from another. Capitalize on a
Tellers wore name badges that      • More than $14 million in                   unique name to create a memorable character
said, “Hello, my name is not          new loans was generated by                to demystify a process and interject friendliness
Keith Beith. (But I know who he       the promotion—well beyond                 and lighthearted humor into your marketing.
is.)” A variety of media featured     projections.                         PO WER TO THE PR I N T I TE M ! 144
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