Page 169 - Visual Marketing
P. 169

Jakprints created an interac-       More and more, connecting
tive online app so that people      with people through social
can design their own Favicards      media channels takes pre-
online in minutes. Customers        cedence over having their
can choose a social media           e-mails and phone num-
design mimicking an icon for        bers. If we just know how to
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,         find someone on Twitter or
iTunes, or Flickr, or they can      Facebook, we can continue
customize the cards with their      to network with them, with-
own design. They can add data       out needing to know the rest of
on the back with contact infor-     their contact details.
mation, Web addresses, and QR
codes.                                Success Metrics                    Takeaway Tip

Why It Works                        • In less than a year since the      Update a traditional element of your busi-
                                       product launch, Jakprints sold    ness with social media designs. Facebook,
This business card starts conver-      54,850 Favicards to hundreds of   Twitter, and other social media are hot right
sations and stands out because         customers.                        now, and leveraging their popularity can
of its unusual shape. It signals                                         make your business stand out, be memo-
that the user is in the know . . .  • Favicards have burst into main-    rable, and seem fresh and up-to-date.
and one of the social media            stream events like the New
cognoscenti. The cards appeal          England Metal Festival, South
to musicians, photographers,           by Southwest (SXSW), and oth-
entrepreneurs, and social media        ers, targeting the core audience
enthusiasts.                           of musicians and independent

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