Page 195 - Visual Marketing
P. 195
Why It Works striking resemblance to Scholl- professionals. Each class
Serrett, who provides profes- appearance introduces Scholl-
Denise G. Scholl-Serrett is a sional services with a personal Serrett to 15 new prospects.
certified benefits professional touch. • As a new consultant, Scholl-
with the HR designations and Serrett is establishing reciprocal
accreditations associated with Success Metrics relationships with business asso-
leading HR professionals. ciates where the brand brings a
She wanted to distinguish her • The HR Lady saw sales double focused message and credibility.
services from a crowded field in the last two quarters of the
of consultants. PowerBand first year in business.
Graphics created a brand
around Denise’s personality that • The branding opened doors
is unique and funny. “If a busi- at a well-established college with
ness card can express ‘energy’ a continuing education depart-
then mine certainly does,” says ment offering classes to business
Scholl-Serrett. The HR Lady
brand is an easy conversation Takeaway Tip
starter that has made network-
ing easier. The imagery has a Why spend a lot of time explaining your busi-
lot of gusto, yet it can still be ness services or trying to differentiate yourself
taken seriously. After all, when from dozens of other consultants when your
you want to know how to protect name and business card can do it for you?
your business against sexual Choose a descriptive straightforward moni-
harassment claims, you have to ker for your business and add a smidgen of
go to a trusted source. The bold personality in the form of a caricature of the
caricature of the owner has a owner. Together they will define your business
and make it memorable.