Page 199 - Visual Marketing
P. 199

Why It Works                         program. Readers of the reports
                                     are surprised to find such a
The designers at Soapbox, Inc.,      wealth of statistical information
created a visual language for        and analysis in bite-sized install-
the critical initiatives and issues  ments with compelling graphics
in ways that are accessible and      that make the abstract case for
compelling. The issues that          advocacy more relevant.
the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal
Network tackle are highlighted         Success Metrics                    Takeaway Tip
with original artwork in bright
and engaging colors.                 • The Canadian HIV/AIDS              When advocacy or social responsibility is
                                        Legal Network annual reports      part of your company’s mission, visuals can
For three years running, the            have won honors and awards        define the mission in ways that words can-
annual reports have used a              from Communication Arts,          not. Use the power of artwork and design to
similar format of bold graph-           International ARC Awards, the     convey sound bites that educate, persuade,
ics alternating with an in-depth        Advertising & Design Club of      and promote action. When people under-
narrative punctuated with large         Canada (ADCC), and Design         stand the issues, they are better prepared to
numbers that scream out critical        Edge Canada Regional Design       act on them.
statistics and bring attention to       Awards.
the data that drive the orga-
nization as it fights the HIV/        • The annual is published in The
AIDS epidemic. Reports like             Best of Brochure Design 11 from
Deadly Disregard include sound          Rockport Publishers.
bites accompanied by powerful
editorial illustrations that make
the case for a needle exchange

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