Page 201 - Visual Marketing
P. 201

Why It Works                           Success Metrics

If you’re local to New Orleans,      • Within days of the initial post-
you know the place nutria rats,         card mailing, Skuba landed a
crawfish, cicadas, oysters, and          new customer who had received
termites have in your world.            a card.
Imagine getting a postcard with
one of these undesirables in         • Skuba is redesigning a website
your mailbox. Attention getting?        for the top restaurant in the
We think so. A series of six post-      city whose chef competed on
cards were designed, each with          Bravo’s Master Chef series.
its own locally grown creature.
By coming up with witty taglines     • With only $250 spent on the
to accompany high-quality pho-          direct-mail campaign, Skuba
tos, Skuba’s direct mail is hitting     has already seen $6,000 to
home with New Orleans busi-             $7,000 in new revenue as a
nesses. Many want to keep the           result of the campaign.
postcard as a work of art!
                                        Takeaway Tip
                                         Know your audience and what they have an
                                         emotional attachment to. When marketing
                                         to a local audience, incorporate local cultural
                                         icons and shared local experiences into your
                                         marketing materials. Although it might fall
                                         flat in another locale, that doesn’t matter for
                                         a local campaign. You need appeal to only
                                         what your local audience will identify with.

                                                                                  POWER TO THE PRINT ITEM!
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