Page 205 - Visual Marketing
P. 205

Why It Works                       page, and serves as a great
                                   three-dimensional visual ele-
Most private schools create        ment. Words in other languages
a brochure or catalog, but it      are peppered throughout the
usually contains the same old      copy, further enhancing that
information in mundane pack-       different global perspective
aging. This commemorative          that was the aim in the book’s
book, however, evokes nostalgia    creation.
with its spiral binding, reminis-
cent of school notebooks, but        Success Metrics                   Takeaway Tip
with a sophisticated twist. The
photography and wording help       • The book, which was sent          Investing in a well-designed, visually stimu-
the reader not only visualize the     to parents, faculty, alumni,     lating commemorative book can help stake-
school’s services but also under-     and prospective students, has    holders connect with your organization’s
stand the values the school           been met with resounding         values and create a shared bond.
brings to each of its students.       enthusiasm.

The book’s use of die cut allows   • The school, founded in 1984,
readers to peek at a smaller          has received accreditation from
version of the image on the next      several international education
                                      institutions of excellence.

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