Page 207 - Visual Marketing
P. 207

Why It Works                           Success Metrics

Malverde is known for its hand-      • Attendance at the club is usually
crafted specialty cocktails, exten-     standing room only, with about
sive selection of tequila, local        150 people.
beers, and the soundtrack of
Austin’s best DJs. Owner Jesse       • In addition to paying for only
Herman says that he really likes        one design, the ability to reuse
the design solution because it’s        the poster series for as long as
a clever way to show how these          the team of DJs is performing
two DJs collaborate. Sometimes          makes this solution very
you get both DJs; sometimes             cost-effective.
you get one. By combining them
on one poster, it solidifies the      Takeaway Tip
relationship and establishes a
consistency for the Wednesday        When you have a very small budget and can
night gigs. Butler’s design uses     afford only one design piece but have to use it
a computer drawing technique         in different ways to promote different events,
that looks hand-drawn so that        products, or services, you’d better put on your
the marker “cross-outs” don’t        creative cap. Using a marker to cross out a name
look all that out of place. Part     on a poster may not always be a good solution,
of the appeal of this poster is      but consider that a metaphor for finding low-cost
the simplicity in its typographic    ways to repurpose a single design to fit multiple
design and layout.                   situations, perhaps by dropping in different names
                                     or images using a computer graphics program.
                                     Necessity truly is the mother of invention.                      186

                                                                            POWER TO THE PRINT ITEM!
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