Page 211 - Visual Marketing
P. 211

Why It Works                         they become in the club. The    services such as personal
                                     coupon packet increases mem-    training and massages while
The MAC Rewards Program              bership loyalty and reduces     increasing membership reten-
provides a packet of coupons         cancellations.                  tion rates.
delivered in a handsome card-
board carrying case designed        Success Metrics
by Brian Conway. These are
not your mother’s supermarket     • Record numbers of new mem-
coupons. They look more like         berships were sold while the
award certificates, complete          promotion ran, and overall
with ornate border designs           membership revenues have
in an upscale carrying case          increased by $100,000 for the
that brings a certain level of       two years the program has been
caché. The case encourages           running.
you to hang onto the coupons
and use them over a period        • The program increases par-
of months, instead of tossing        ticipation in ancillary club
them aside. Jay Herson, MAC’s
marketing director, says the      Takeaway Tip
investment in design has paid
off by highlighting the value of  Discounts don’t need to look cheap.
the offers. These are high-end    Package your coupons in an upscale
offers, not cheap discounts or    manner to look like truly special offers.
leftovers. The research shows     This increases the importance and per-
that the more members par-        ceived value of your offer. It builds loyalty
ticipate, the more invested       and demand for upsales and cross-sales.

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