Page 213 - Visual Marketing
P. 213

Why It Works                            celebrate, literally giving clients     tourists, and supporters of the
                                        a taste of their history,” says         hotel/restaurant.
This hotel and restaurant have          designer Nicola Black.               • The booklet was so successful
a story, and it’s one that is told      The booklet is filled with beauti-       that the hotel is discussing the
through good food. By providing         ful photography that encourages         creation of a full-size cookbook
a cookbooklet to guests, Penn’s         readers to attempt the recipes—         to sell.
View successfully brings those          and if they don’t succeed, just
guests into its collective family.      visit Ristorante Panorama for the       Takeaway Tip
It’s clear that this isn’t a corpo-     real deal.
rate-run hotel, and its family his-                                              Sometimes you’re too close to a story to see
tory is one that makes the hotel       Success Metrics                           it, but step back and look at your business’s
that much more endearing.                                                        history. You may find valuable marketing gold.
                                     • In addition to being given as a           Make your story come to life with a beautifully
“The family history element was         gift at the anniversary event, the       designed print item that tells the story in a way
important in creating the piece,        cookbooklet was also distributed         that customers will want to keep it.
so the recipes they’ve used             at trade shows and to prospec-
throughout the 20 years of busi-        tive hotel and restaurant guests,
ness seemed like a fun way to

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