Page 221 - Visual Marketing
P. 221

Why It Works                            placement that is guaranteed to get      raise our rates because the value of
                                        you noticed.”                            what we offered was undervalued,”
Adam Mietlowski, designer at                                                     says Cabral.
Adcorp, knew he could create            The pitch book uses large images
an effective sales kit based on         and devotes seven spreads to the        Success Metrics
the expertise of Adcorp’s found-        key messaging that sets the stage
ers. Cabral and Peter Broccole,         for the sale. Mietlowski’s design     • Sales have increased 146 percent
chief executive officer, had             makes the sales pitch more immedi-       with the pitch book.
started the company five years           ate and provides a great scaffolding
prior in Broccole’s living room in      of step-by-step sales messaging that  • Adcorp has doubled its sales force
Westchester County, New York.           works well with newer salespeople        and now has a sales staff of 20.
You might say they could sell ice       and enhances the presentation of         The pitch book has streamlined
cubes to the Eskimos, but there is      more seasoned sales reps.                the training process, increased
more than just a salesman’s charm                                                sales, and helped with retention.
involved. Over the years, Broccole
and Cabral developed a strong                                                 • Adcorp now serves more than
marketing technique for selling local                                            1,000 supermarkets in 10 states,
advertising in supermarkets. Adcorp                                              including major players like A&P,
installs kiosks and displays in heavy-                                           Waldbaum’s, ShopRite, and Big Y.
traffic areas at supermarkets and
puts the ads and aisle directories on   Cabral says that when clients see     Takeaway Tip
shopping carts that help customers      the great design and graphics in
locate common items through-
out the store. They call it, “Ad        the pitch book, they know they are    Being a good salesperson is one thing; training
                                        going to get the same caliber of      others to sell your products and services is quite
                                        design and service with their ads.    another. By establishing a play-by-play pitch
                                        And it’s not just about looking       book that uses effective visuals to tell the story,
                                        pretty; the pitch book has helped     you may create a sales force tool that standard-
                                        the sales staff put a better value    izes your sales pitch and increases revenue.
                                        on their offering. “We were able to

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