Page 229 - Visual Marketing
P. 229

Why It Works                          The fact that the images            Takeaway Tip
                                      bleed outside the boundaries
We’ve all received coupons in         of the coupons also lends to        Any project can benefit from good graphics
the mail, and we rarely give          its appeal. Many coupons are        and design. Just because they are coupons,
them a second glance. With Trap       text-only and lack interesting      discounts, or vouchers doesn’t mean they
Media’s booklet, each coupon          imagery. The Trap Media book-       need to be cheap. You can position your
begs the reader to pay attention      lets feature editorial-style pho-   products and services as being about high
to it, with young, happy people       tos that draw attention to each     quality not low price, even when offering
jumping, performing martial arts,     offer. This approach allows         discounts.
or dancing for attention.             readers to visually scan the
                                      coupons and select the ones
People, no matter where they          they are most interested in.
live, like to save money. So the
careful placement of “£1200 in       Success Metrics
vouchers free inside” is strate-
gic enough to get the attention    • The project had a 2,000 per-
of anyone who picks the book          cent return on its initial invest-
up. And the claim isn’t bogus:        ment within one month of its
There are freebies and discounts      distribution.
that are actually attractive,
which isn’t always the case with   • The vouchers all featured a ref-
coupons.                              erence code so that Trap Media
                                      could monitor sales and the suc-
                                      cess of this project, helping the
                                      company determine the best-
                                      selling offers.

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