Page 231 - Visual Marketing
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story of what we do.                  • The company’s overall revenue
                                    Our process is Design                    in 2010 grew almost 30 percent
                                    to Build, so obviously                   compared with that of 2009.
                                    beautifully designed
                                    marketing materials                   • Myers was featured in the article
                                    are very important to                    “The Affordable Renovation” in
                                    us, as well.”                            Mainline Magazine.

Why It Works                           Tabula Creative created the        Takeaway Tip
                                       mailers with exquisite images.
The company uses attractive            The photography by Jason           When you have a long sales cycle, com-
photos to highlight the quality        Varney shows the final renova-      mon for architects and contractors and
of its workmanship. The post-          tion in a soothing light in homes  other industries, create marketing materials
cards are so enticing that people      that are well cared for and deco-  that become coveted objects that are not
keep the postcards, sometimes          rated with a gentle touch.         easily dismissed or forgotten. Make them
for years, and share them with                                            “saveable.” People will hold onto them until
friends and family. Then when         Success Metrics                     they’re ready to begin a project, keeping
it’s time to hire a contractor for                                        your sales pipeline filled regardless of the
a project, they know what com-      • During the economic down-           economy.
pany to call.                          turn, Myers remained busy and
                                       even hired staff. There were no
A large part of what Myers sells       layoffs.
is aesthetic, explains Diane
Menke, vice president of pro-       • Myers’s website traffic in 2010
duction management at Myers.           doubled compared with 2009
“This requires us to have great-       traffic.
looking media that tells the

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