Page 53 - Visual Marketing
P. 53

Why It Works                      about? “Every year we like to       • Clients responded and hired
                                  send a New Year’s card to our          Langton Cherubino Group to
The tricks are as old as the      clients and friends,” explains         create interactive games, includ-
printed page—yet in the hands     Jim. “This year we pushed our-         ing a series of “healthy games”
of a designer, as fresh as        selves to create something new         for larger clients such as Pfizer
today. The setting for the illu-  with an old concept. We wanted         and Publicis.
sions is a futuristic room with   to combine our visual wit with
bright color patterns featuring   our online and interactive design
a Warner Brothers–era cartoon     capabilities.”
soundtrack. When you click on
an item in the room, a large        Success Metrics                   Takeaway Tip
window opens and the illusion is
presented as a challenge. The     • The Room of Illusions game        Combine old-fashioned optical illusions with
viewer tries to guess what the       was the first of many self-       digital technology to create an interactive
real truth is, and after another     promotional games that Langton   online game. For a design firm with multi-
click, the secret is revealed.       Cherubino Group created. It      media expertise, it’s an ideal way to show-
Each example is engaging and         established a method of combin-  case new media capabilities.
addictive. It’s like when Penn       ing design and programming
and Teller show you how a trick      that led to award-wining games
works and lure you in for more       such as MasterpieceYourself and
mayhem. How did this come            Web vs. Webb.

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