Page 57 - Visual Marketing
P. 57

Why It Works                         Success Metrics                    Takeaway Tip

The campaign was well thought      • The campaign got people talk-      Don’t be afraid to do the outrageous. Staged
out and connected with other          ing about on         marketing events and stunts work. In fact,
channels, such as YouTube,            Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.   sometimes the crazier it is, the more buzz it
Facebook, and Twitter. The            Thousands of people follow        will get—just consider all angles so you don’t
entire stunt was filmed to get on the sites.        offend important constituents, cause safety
people’s reactions to the teeter-                                       issues, or otherwise lead to negative public-
ing pile of deliveries.            • From 5 to 6 percent of people      ity. And for the biggest bang for your buck
                                      who received gift cards on the    today, tie in offline stunts with video and succeeded in             street went online and used       social media campaigns. That way the public
moving marketing offline to real       them. also held a    can share the offline experience with oth-
time, and then pushing it back        citywide gift card handout after  ers virtually online and through social media
to online. People love sharing a      this campaign.                    channels, and you will extend the reach and
spectacle, and photos and vid-                                          shelf life of your marketing stunt far longer.
eos of the street promotion were   • Estimated return on investment
shared on social media sites.         (ROI) for the entire campaign,
The delivery men were outgoing        lasting several weeks, was a 15
and played the silly role well.       to 20 percent increase of new
The brand’s social media play
is strong as well:
randomly picks a tweeter talking
about the service and awards
prizes and gift cards.

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