Page 141 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
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120  ◾ Index

   macroeconomic, 82–83                      new approach of, 5, 6
   map, 93                                   prototype building, 8
   online retailing, 80                      stages of, 13–21
   peer-to-peer, 80                          team building for, 9–10
   regulatory environment and, 83            traditional approach of, 4–5
   review, 100                            Digitalization of physical products, 82
   template for, 99                       Digital platforms, business models, 80–81
                                          Dot voting, for prioritization, 53
Collaborative engagement, 10, 59–60       Dweck, Carol, 2
Connected stakeholders, 24
Craft business (stage 3), 13–14           Elevator pitch, 103
                                             document assumptions, 108
   business context, 79–85                   example of, 106–107
   business models, 91–102                   guidance for, 107–108
   elevator pitch, 103–108                   review, 108
   overview, 21                              template for, 103–105
   questions for, 16–17
   value proposition of solution, 85–91   Empathy, 5, 6
Creative leadership, 9                    End-to-end experience vision, 56–57
Creativity, 2–3, 12, 52
Cross-industry business models, 81           document assumptions, 60
Customer experience, 81                      example of, 58
Customer journey, for idea, 40               guidance, 59–60
   document assumptions, 42
   example of, 41                                open collaboration, 59–60
   guidance, 41–42                               point to note, 60
                                                 session lead, 59
       self-brainstorm, 42                   review, 60
       session lead, 41–42                   template for, 57
       team brainstorm, 42                Entrepreneurship, 1
   review, 43                             Evaluation criteria, for prioritization, 53
   template for, 40                       Experience implications, 74
                                             document assumptions, 77
Data-driven business models, 82              example of, 75–76
Defer judgment, 11                           guidance
Design Thinking, 3                               self-brainstorm, 76
                                                 session lead, 76
   assumptions, 10, 20                           team brainstorm, 77
   for clear understanding of problem to     review, 77
                                             template for, 74–75
          solve, 5–7
   collaborative engagement, 10           Facebook, 80
   diverse perspectives, collaboration    Feasibility approach, for business

          with, 8                                   proposition, 4; see also Solution,
   empathy in, 5, 6                                 devise (stage 2)
   fail and try again approach, 8         Feedback, 8; see also User feedback
   feedback from target user and, 8
   framework, 20–21                       Google, 80
   framework review with team, 10         Growth, mind-set for, 2
   guidance for, 11–12, 19–20             Guidance
   mind-sets for, 9
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