Page 143 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
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122  ◾ Index

   software, 62                                    experience implications for, 74–77
   storyboards for, 62                             ideation for, 47–52
   technical, 62                                   overview, 21
                                                   prioritization of ideas, 53–56
Research, for understanding of problem, 27         prototyping for, 60–62
   beginner’s mind-set and, 29                     questions for, 16
   curiosity, 30                                   testing for, 62, 65
   engagement guidelines with user, 31–34          use case for, 71–74
       interviewer, guidelines for, 31             user feedback for, 69–71
       note taker, guidelines for, 31           Stages of Design Thinking
       sample questions for interview, 32–34       craft business (stage 3), 13–14
   example, 35
       document assumptions, 37                        business context, 79–85
       guidance, 35–36                                 business models, 91–102
       team brainstorm, 36                             elevator pitch, 103–108
   judgments and, 29                                   overview, 21
   observation, 28                                     questions for, 16–17
   patterns, 30                                        value proposition of solution, 85–91
   person’s experience, 29                         devise solution (stage 2), 13–14
   planning, 28                                        don’ts for note taker, 68–69
   questioning, 28–29, 30                              don’ts for session lead, 69
   template, 34                                        do’s for note taker, 68–69
   for user engagement, 30–31                          end-to-end experience vision for, 56–60
                                                       experience implications for, 74–77
Riess, Eric, 3                                         ideation for, 47–52
Risk management (stage 4), 13–14, 112                  overview, 21
                                                       prioritization of ideas, 53–56
   assumptions, 109–111                                prototyping for, 60–62
   calculation, 113–114                                questions for, 16
   overview, 21                                        testing for, 62, 65
   questions for, 17                                   use case for, 71–74
                                                       user feedback for, 69–71
SAM, see Serviceable addressable                   problem, understanding of (stage 1),
          market (SAM)
Self-brainstorming, 11, 19, 26, 38–39, 42, 44,         customer journey for, 40–43
          50–52, 76, 84–85, 91                         guidance for, 25–27
                                                       overview, 21
Serviceable addressable market (SAM), 94               persona, 37–39
Session lead, 19, 25–26, 35–36, 38, 44,                questions for, 15
                                                       research for, 27–37
          48–50, 53, 55, 59, 71, 73, 76, 84,           stakeholders, understanding of, 23–25
          90–91, 107–108                               statement of, 18–20
   do’s and don’ts for, 67–68                          user’s perspective for, 43–45
Skills, of team, 10                                risk management (stage 4), 13–14, 112
Slide-show software, 62                                assumptions, 109–111
Solution, devise (stage 2), 13–14                      calculation, 113–114
   don’ts for note taker, 69                           overview, 21
   don’ts for session lead, 67–68                      questions for, 17
   do’s for note taker, 68–69
   do’s for session lead, 66–67
   end-to-end experience vision for, 56–60
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