Page 68 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 68

Chapter 4

Stage 2: Devise Solution
to Determine Feasibility

This stage is all about generating ideas on HOW to solve the problem that has
been identified in the first stage, rapidly prototyping to validate the solution
direction and determining the feasibility of the solution in the user’s context.

4.1  Step 6: Ideation

Too often we commit the mistake of sticking to the idea that originally
came to our minds when we first thought of the problem space. In fact, we
don’t just think about the problem; most of the ideas are for a specific solu-
tion without regard to whether the solution is feasible in the context of the
user. What ends up happening is that we polish our idea to a point where
it takes the shape of a shiny object ready to be used by the user. However,
when the user is first shown the solution, the reality hits us that for reasons
unbeknownst to us, the user does not find the solution useful and is not
enthused by it. The solution ends up being a shiny ornamental object on the
shelf of our metaphoric living space.

   To avoid falling into this trap, a methodical and iterative approach needs
to be adopted which starts small, gets the user’s feedback on all aspects and
adapts to the user’s needs. The number of iterations could be in the hundreds.

   Before you continue the iterations, it is very important to ensure that
you are not boxing your solution direction into a narrow direction. It may
be helpful to think of your first idea, which you think is game-changing or

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