Page 77 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 77

56  ◾  Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking

Most Practical Ideas
The ideas which are both desirable by the user as well as feasible are the ones
in the top right corner of the prioritization matrix, as highlighted in Figure 4.3b.

   The team should focus on these ideas to move forward.
   Note that value to user is based on your understanding, which may or
may not be viewed in the same manner by the user. So, it will be important
to validate your understanding with the user.  Document Assumptions

After the session, the session lead should ask the team to write down all
the assumptions that you are making and record those assumptions in
assumptions template in Chapter 6.  Review Prior Steps

Review the prior steps and adjust as needed with the consensus of the team.

4.3  Step 8: End-to-end Experience Vision

A storyboard is used to convey the future vision of how the user will experi-
ence the solution. For each of the boxes below, draw a scene and then write
an explanation just below the box, like a comic strip. A best practice in cre-
ating a storyboard is to convey the story as follows:

	 1.	Introduce the persona with:
	 a.	 pain points
	 b.	goals
	 c.	motivations
	 2.	Convey the user context, including:
	 a.	 triggers in the environment to cause this experience
	 b.	 tools used by the user
	 3.	Show user’s experience as they use your new solution.
	 4.	Depict emotions where you see necessary.
	 5.	End with a successful completion of the job.

   Show your storyboard to your users/customers and get feedback. Identify
opportunities for realizing the solutions using technology in the storyboard.
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