Page 74 - Transforming an Idea Into a Business with Design Thinking
P. 74

S tage 2: Devise Solution to Determine Feasibility  ◾  53

4.2  Step 7: Prioritization

Once you have generated these ideas, it is time to start prioritizing the ideas
so that you can filter the ones you could quickly prototype and test with the
users. Prioritization could be done in many ways.

   ◾◾ Dot Voting. Give 3-5 voting dots to each member and ask them to
      place them on the top idea clusters/ideas. As teams place their votes,
      you’ll see an emerging theme on the top ideas or idea clusters.

   ◾◾ 2 × 2 Matrix. One quick way of prioritization is a 2 × 2 matrix with
      value (to user) on the vertical axis and feasibility on the horizontal axis.

   ◾◾ Evaluation Criteria. A more complex and sophisticated way is to
      identify evaluation criteria, which means identifying some variables
      which are important for the solution. These may include usability, desir-
      ability, technical feasibility, duration, simplicity, business value. Each of
      the selected variables are assigned weights and the weighted average is
      calculated to rank ideas.

   To have agility in execution, we’ll use the 2 × 2 matrix method of

4.2.1  Template

Figure 4.3a,b shows how the ideas may look like on the wall as you priori-
tize using a 2 × 2 matrix.

4.2.2  Example

Figure 4.3c is a snapshot from a real-life session I conducted that showcased
idea clusters prioritized on a 2 × 2 matrix.

4.2.3  Guidance

Session Lead
Name each of the idea clusters to easily identify the ideas.

   Write the idea-cluster names and selected top ideas on sticky notes.
   Take each idea-name sticky note and bring it to the 2 × 2 matrix. Moving
the sticky note in a vertical direction, ask the team to evaluate the value of
this idea. The ideas which have the most superior value will be placed at the
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