Page 113 - 1841126144.pdf
P. 113
Launch a range of T-shirts featuring the faces of
members of the public as designs. Each customer would
send a passport photograph to the manufacturer. They
would then be sent a shirt with a picture of someone
else on it, but with the knowledge that the same person
has a shirt displaying their face. A national pairs game
179could be introduced in which any two people that
actually find each other and arrive together in their
shirts at a designated place share a prize.
Sam Torme
9 April 2001
Launch a range of consumer financial-investment
packages linked to weather conditions in a particular
country or area. Poor weather would see an improvement
in the fortunes of the portfolio and fine weather the
reverse. Although the package would be designed to give
a standard return over a period of years, the day-by-day
180fluctuation would help counteract the negative feelings
felt by anyone who would typically feel despondent at
the prospect of rain or grey skies.
Chas Bayfield
11 April 2001