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Adapt the ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ quiz format  Editor’s note:
                       for domestic play in a micro-version entitled ‘Who      We heard a fantastic
                       Wants Ten Quid?’. In pounds sterling, the first questionreport of a family who
                       would be worth 0.1p, and contestants would keep the     played this and the
                       money at 1p and 32p.                                    mother decided not to
                                                                               further risk the
                                David Owen                                     winnings she had
                                                                               accumulated. She
18315April2001                                                                 walked away with

                       Manufacture cycle locks with hollow tubes filled with
                       compressed gas. As well as being considerably lighter
                       than conventional locks, Gas Locks would be
                       impossible for thieves to saw through and no more
                       dangerous to carry around than a camping gas cylinder.

                                Alex Wilson-Smith

   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120