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P. 136

Editor’s note:
             Sam Torme’s

      inspiration for this
    admittedly pointless
   idea was drawn from

           an episode of
       Bagpuss in which
  Charlie Mouse and his
   friends operate a mill

                        Launch a spoof Internet company offering free paper.
                        Customers who click to receive the free paper would
                        actually be activating their printer to print out a sheet of
                        their own existing supply with the message ‘Thank you
                        for shopping at’ at the bottom.

                        Sam Torme
                        4 June 2001

biscuits simply taking

the same biscuit out

of one end and

putting it back in the


                       Open a chain of bars or nightclubs offering the public
                       the chance to perform stripteases. These karaoke strip
                       clubs would require exemption from local public
                       indecency laws and would attract a large expectant
                       crowd and the occasional exhibitionist.

                                David Owen

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