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Launch an interactive television game show called Editor’s note:
‘Make Me Laugh’ in which the viewers would be invited‘Make Me Laugh’
to submit jokes in an attempt to make the presenters would be particularly
laugh. Should the collective audience succeed in interesting in that it
cracking up one presenter, another more stony-faced would test a theory
presenter would be introduced. More extreme versions that the combined
efforts of thousands
219of the format such as ‘Make Me Blush’ or ‘Make Me Cry’ of people at home
may still not be as
funny as one single
could also be developed. good television
Mary Slim
27 May 2001
Release a range of disposable cameras on which one
picture would already have been taken. For example, a
camera styled and branded as merchandising for a
particular pop act could include an exclusive picture of
the star on each roll. Advertisers could also employ the
cameras in competitions. Cameras could include a
picture showing one part of a map or one digit from a
220telephone number that, when completed, would lead
customers to a prize.
Dan Friedman
28 May 2001