Page 129 - 1841126144.pdf
P. 129

Design a computer game for PCs in which monsters       Editor’s note:
                       appear from holes positioned in line with the standard Sponsors or
                       layout of a QWERTY keyboard. Whatever a player typed   advertisers would
                       in their attempt to strike the monsters would appear onenjoy the potential for
                       screen. Smart players could therefore read as they     having gamers type
                       played and predict where monsters would next appear    positive statements
                                                                              about their products
211by guessing the endings to words and sentences.                            in order to succeed.

David Owen
19 May 2001

                       Design spectacle frames that change colour on           Editor’s note:
                       demand. Using fibre optics or propelled ink, the glassesAn advanced pair of
                       could change from jet-black, to clear and to red, for   such glasses might
                       example, offering wearers multiple pairs for a single   be able to change
                       purchase.                                               colour to register
                                                                               different emotions;
                                Steve James                                    surprise, anger or
                                                                               affection, perhaps.
21220May2001                                                                   Such communicative
                                                                               powers would of

                                                                               course be totally

                                                                               unsuited to

                                                                               sunglasses, which are

                                                                               generally employed to

                                                                               have the exact

                                                                               opposite effect.
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