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Launch a media agency to sell advertising space on the
                       reverse of company letterheads and notepaper. A
                       company of electricians, for example, might sell ads to
                       plumbers or builder’s merchants on the reverse of their
                       printed estimates.

                                Chas Bayfield

          Editor’s note:
    We like the idea that
    phone users around

          the world, from
  pre-teens to business
    executives, could be

     working together to
    keep a ball in the air
     for a day or a week

Create a soccer ‘keep-ups’ game for mobile phones. The
screen would display the image of a star footballer. The
keys on the keypad would correspond to parts of the
player’s body; 1 for the right shoulder, 9 for left foot etc.
The object of the game would be to keep the ball in the air
for as long as possible. On a 3G network, gamers would
be able to see their scores in a national league table and

zones. even pass the ball from one phone screen to another.

Mary Slim
18 July 2001
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