Page 131 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 131


49 Clever promotional material costs no more

One of the best marketing ideas I have seen was in a motel.
The ‘Do not disturb’ sign was sponsored by the local
takeaway pizza restaurant. They obviously provided the
motel with the signs free of charge. They were very profes-
sional and colourful and the home delivery service number
was clearly visible. Perhaps your business could be offering
the same type of product at the local motel. This could be
anything from a taxi company to a beauty salon.

    Contact any motels in your area and talk to them. Even
if they do not want signs for the door they may have a
compendium of local information where you can put your
brochure or flyer at no cost.

    The cable television companies have developed a similar
idea with a card that fits over the door handle and passes
on the message that they called in to discuss connecting
the cable but no one was home. Perhaps you could apply
a similar marketing idea to your business.

    The underlying message here is that clever ideas stand
out and produce results. Think about your marketing, try
to be different and stay one step ahead of your competitors.

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