Page 145 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 145


you have a rough idea of what you want before you get

    Once you have paid for your television commercial you
own it. You can take a copy and play it on any television
station you like. This policy may vary from station to station
so make certain it is clarified beforehand.

    Television commercials do have a limited life. While it
would be ideal to make a new one every few months, very
few businesses could afford to do this. Look at having a
maximum shelf life of 12–18 months for your advertise-
ment. Any longer than this and you will actually be doing
your business more harm than good.

    When it comes to placing your commercials, the impor-
tant point to remember is to air them as often as you can
afford in a short burst. What this means is that it is better
for your commercial to be aired seven times in one night
than once every day for seven days. This is called frequency.

    Television commercials work because of their repetitive
value. You can often negotiate with television stations for
special rates. Remember that you will pay more for com-
mercials aired during popular television programs but you
will also reach a much greater number of viewers.

    Television advertising can produce great results but if
you haven’t got enough money to make a good commercial
and to air it often enough for people to notice, forget about
it and move on to other ideas.

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