Page 158 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 158


66 The perfect way to target families living in
     your area

School newsletters can be a cheap way to reach families
living in your community. Quite often schools are happy
to let local businesses advertise in their newsletters for a
minimal cost. It helps to offset the production cost of the
newsletter, enabling the school to spend the money in other

    Most schools have a minimum of several hundred stu-
dents and many have several thousand. This represents a
lot of households and families.

    Some examples of businesses that could do this kind of
promotion include:
• the local tyre company can advertise a reminder and

    special offer to check your tyres before going on school
• a driving school can target hundreds of potential cus-
    tomers as teenagers reach driving age;
• the local theme park can make special school holiday
    offers to keep the kids entertained;
• the toy store can have a school holiday special; and
• restaurants can offer a family special.
    Obviously this type of promotion may not apply to
every business but it does apply to most. If your local
school doesn’t have a regular newsletter perhaps you can en-
courage them to do one and your business can sponsor it.

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