Page 172 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 172

11                         Are you willing to
                           go out and chase

While many marketing ideas are relatively passive, meaning you
implement them and then sit back and watch for results, there
are many others that are more aggressive. These involve taking
your message to the customer and actually chasing the business.
The ideas discussed in this section look at ways for you to take
a more active role in marketing your business. They include:

#75 Doing your first letterbox drop
#76 Use local markets to promote your business
#77 Talk to your neighbours
#78 Commit to making ten phone calls every day
#79 Always try to sell to the decision-maker, not their

#80 Using the facsimile to sell directly to other businesses
#81 Always make a follow-up call after the sale
#82 Tips for making a good sales presentation
#83 What is ‘direct mail’ and can you use it?
#84 Take your message to the streets
#85 Put your brochure in government and corporate mail-outs
#86 Don’t underestimate the value of trade shows and expos
#87 Do a combined mail-out with other businesses
#88 Run free training seminars

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